jrodrigv / PhysicsRangeExtender

This is a KSP mod that will extend the physics range
The Unlicense
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Craft fall through ground #26

Open BravoAlpha101st opened 1 year ago

BravoAlpha101st commented 1 year ago

I was attempting to visit a probe on the Mun with a manned craft, but the second I enter my set physics range (30km) the probe begins to fall through the ground. Is there any way to fix this?

jrodrigv commented 1 year ago

you can check if you have terrain extender enabled or disabled. If it is disabled then that is expected to happen. If you activate the terrain extender then you will see a jump to the probe to be able to landed in on the ground before switching back to your active vessel

BravoAlpha101st commented 1 year ago

Ok, I guess I'll just disable the mod since terrain extender keeps switching between crafts and breaks them