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Integrity checksums no longer in email alerts #19

Open jrossi opened 10 years ago

jrossi commented 10 years ago

They are in alerts.log, but not in emailed alerts. To wit:

\ Alert 1346697649.3137374: mail - ossec,syscheck, 2012 Sep 03 13:40:49 vhost->syscheck Rule: 550 (level 7) -> 'Integrity checksum changed.' Integrity checksum changed for: '/etc/fstab' Size changed from '703' to '0' Old md5sum was: '941a7f50cae9ed91b8111d6208a2596b' New md5sum is : 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' Old sha1sum was: 'b482dd65bed14a2af0dd0291f0d180be45b4d3f4' New sha1sum is : 'da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709' What changed: 7a8,9

Chickens rule!

OSSEC HIDS Notification. 2012 Sep 03 13:40:49

Received From: vhost->syscheck Rule: 550 fired (level 7) -> "Integrity checksum changed." Src Location: (null) Portion of the log(s):

Integrity checksum changed for: '/etc/fstab' Size changed from '703' to '0' What changed: 7a8,9

Chickens rule!


Note: This issue has been automatically migrated from Bitbucket Created by mstarks01 on 2012-09-03 18:58:05+00:00, last updated: 2012-10-01 18:41:22+00:00

jrossi commented 10 years ago

Uggh. There go my newlines again. How do I keep bitbucket from stripping them out? I searched the docs and forums and can't seem to find the answer.

Note: This comment has been automatically migrated from Bitbucket Created by mstarks01 on 2012-09-03 18:59:47+00:00

jrossi commented 10 years ago

Use triple braces to quote the text you do not want wrapping. {{{ This is example line one. Line 2. Line 3. }}}

Note: This comment has been automatically migrated from Bitbucket Created by jbcheng on 2012-09-04 05:47:37+00:00

jrossi commented 10 years ago

The integrity checksums were added to syslog output in 2.7 beta builds, but it was never added to mail output. If needed, look into os_maild/os_maild_cleint.c fuction OS_RecvMailQ() for implementing this enhancement.

Note: This comment has been automatically migrated from Bitbucket Created by jbcheng on 2012-11-01 23:18:28+00:00

jrossi commented 10 years ago

This is not an enhancement; it's a regression. The checksums used to be in the emails.

Note: This comment has been automatically migrated from Bitbucket Created by mstarks01 on 2012-11-01 23:53:09+00:00