jrossi / issue-migration-test

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Windows agent fails silently on symbolic link during syscheck scan #58

Open jrossi opened 10 years ago

jrossi commented 10 years ago

When the ossec agent service on windows runs a syscheck scan, if there is a symbolic link that points to the same directory or a directory above it, and inifinite loop happens until the agent crashes with no error is the log and no helpful log information


  1. Create a dir c:\temp and add it to the syscheck configuration: c:/temp
  2. Create a symbolic link inside c:/temp to himself by running this command in an elevate command prompt (as administrator): mklink /D /J c:\temp\temp c:\temp
  3. wait for a scan or add yes to config and restart
  4. ossec will fail during the scan

reproducing 2 (a more 'real' use-case): add 'c:/users' to the config since 'c:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Application Data' is a symbolic link to 'c:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local' ossec will fail during the scan in the same way

Note: This issue has been automatically migrated from Bitbucket Created by ArikMaor on 2013-10-06 11:57:20+00:00, last updated: 2013-10-29 01:52:48+00:00

jrossi commented 10 years ago

ArikMaor, Thank you for reporting this bug, along with steps to reproduce. This is really helpful.

Note: This comment has been automatically migrated from Bitbucket Created by ossec on 2013-10-06 13:02:53+00:00

jrossi commented 10 years ago

I checked out the code and I believe I found a way to handle it I'd love to hear your opinion

add this code in line 109 in create_db.c:


#ifdef WIN32
        /* Directory links are not supported */
        if (GetFileAttributes(file_name) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) {
            merror("%s: WARN: Links are not supported: '%s'", ARGV0, file_name);

it's inside "if(S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode))"

Note: This comment has been automatically migrated from Bitbucket Created by ArikMaor on 2013-10-06 16:44:44+00:00

jrossi commented 10 years ago

Arik, the patch to create_db.c has been integrated to this repo. Could you verify that it works as expected?

Note: This comment has been automatically migrated from Bitbucket Created by ossec on 2013-10-29 01:52:48+00:00

jrossi commented 10 years ago

On Tuesday, October 29, 2013, OSSEC Project wrote:

Note: This comment has been automatically migrated from Bitbucket Created by ArikMaor on 2013-10-29 07:25:16+00:00