But the unlock status is being overwritten when doing the following after loading the SFS above:
Go to Research and Development building
Attempt to research the Aviation node
You don't have sufficient science so the node does not unlock, however the green highlight indicating the Wing Connector E is unlocked, is now removed - and the part is therefore no longer available in SPH.
Essentially whenever someone attempts to research the next node that contains a previously unlocked (experimental) part by ContractConfigurator, the unlock flag for that part is removed and the part is no longer accessible to builders - even when the player has insufficient science to research the node. Could be KSP bug or the way CC is triggering removal of the experimental/unlocked part flag?
Confirmed happening to any unlocked part by CC, and only when attempting to research the node, but failing for insufficient science points.
This is a fun one.
See SFS here: https://ufile.io/b14yp
Conditions: Wing Connector E is already unlocked via accepting contract in GAP's contract here: https://github.com/inigmatus/GAP/blob/master/Economy/SSI-Wright-Wing.cfg
Works just fine. Part can be used.
But the unlock status is being overwritten when doing the following after loading the SFS above:
Essentially whenever someone attempts to research the next node that contains a previously unlocked (experimental) part by ContractConfigurator, the unlock flag for that part is removed and the part is no longer accessible to builders - even when the player has insufficient science to research the node. Could be KSP bug or the way CC is triggering removal of the experimental/unlocked part flag?
Confirmed happening to any unlocked part by CC, and only when attempting to research the node, but failing for insufficient science points.