jrossignol / ContractPack-AnomalySurveyor

Contract Pack for surveying anomalies in Kerbal Space Program
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Resolved error in SCANsat.cfg #13

Open Annastasya77 opened 5 years ago

Annastasya77 commented 5 years ago

Typo causing error in MM. Added the missing colon.

tofof commented 5 years ago

This PR has @CONTRACT_TYPE[AS_*]:HAS[#tag[SCANsat]],:NEEDS[SCANsat],*

The comma before the colon is wrong. The comma and star at the end are also wrong.

Should be @CONTRACT_TYPE[AS_*]:HAS[#tag[SCANsat]]:NEEDS[SCANsat]

Still better than what is currently included, though and at least doesn't error.