Some balance feedback: IMO suborbital contracts pay too much. They pay twice what you get for LKO contracts, I guess there are four types of these:
1) Near KSC. Example: K2. This requires less delta-V than LKO and have a pretty easy mission profile. Should pay less than LKO IMO. Maybe 0.75x?
2) Near the equaltor. Example: The Great Desert. It's basically LKO with the rentry burn timed shorty before the waypoint. Should pay the same as LKO.
3) Off the equator and off KSC. Example: The Northern Mountains. For these you need LKO+inclination, and the pay still seems a bit high. Maybe 1.5x LKO.
4) The poles. Current pay is reasonable as you need a polar orbit which is expensive.
i only did 1 (over K2) and 2(over the Graet Desert) one time
i needed lots of loads and retries to make it
i never did them agen, i consider them too hard to be worth the effort
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