jrossignol / Strategia

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CurrencyPopup (Science Transmission) with Kerbalism #77

Open awdwyn opened 5 years ago

awdwyn commented 5 years ago

Kerbalism causes science data to be transmission continuously in the background in small chunks instead of one large chunk. This causes mods which react when science is received to the R&D to misbehave.

In this instance, transmitting science back to R&D causes the the floating text spam indicating it's come in, but hundreds of times (for large experiments). Not sure what the resolution to this is, but figured I'd mention it anyhow.


lordcirth commented 5 years ago

In the new Kerbalism alpha, experiments take longer to run, and I have been spammed with +0.0 messages every second. I don't mind frequent non-zero popups, but could Strategia be patched to hide +0.0 messages?

ghost commented 5 years ago

Also, have the +x.x science hidden when going UI-Less.