jrottenberg / ffmpeg

Docker build for FFmpeg on Ubuntu / Alpine / Centos / Scratch / nvidia / vaapi
Apache License 2.0
1.37k stars 450 forks source link

ERROR: cuda requested, but not all dependencies are satisfied: ffnvcodec #372

Closed kuznetcoff777 closed 1 year ago

kuznetcoff777 commented 1 year ago


took this file

docker build -t ffmpeg-6 --progress=plain .

Step 68/78 : RUN          DIR=/tmp/ffmpeg && cd ${DIR} &&         ./configure         --disable-debug         --disable-doc         --disable-ffplay         --enable-cuda         --enable-cuvid         --enable-fontconfig         --enable-gpl         --enable-libaom         --enable-libaribb24         --enable-libass         --enable-libbluray         --enable-libfdk_aac         --enable-libfreetype         --enable-libkvazaar         --enable-libmp3lame         --enable-libnpp         --enable-libopencore-amrnb         --enable-libopencore-amrwb         --enable-libopenjpeg         --enable-libopus         --enable-libsrt         --enable-libtheora         --enable-libvidstab         --enable-libvorbis         --enable-libvpx         --enable-libwebp         --enable-libx264         --enable-libx265         --enable-libxcb         --enable-libxvid         --enable-libzmq         --enable-nonfree         --enable-nvenc         --enable-openssl         --enable-postproc         --enable-shared         --enable-small         --enable-version3         --extra-cflags="-I${PREFIX}/include -I${PREFIX}/include/ffnvcodec -I/usr/local/cuda/include/"         --extra-ldflags="-L${PREFIX}/lib -L/usr/local/cuda/lib64 -L/usr/local/cuda/lib32/"         --extra-libs=-ldl         --extra-libs=-lpthread         --prefix="${PREFIX}" &&         make clean &&         make &&         make install &&         make tools/zmqsend && cp tools/zmqsend ${PREFIX}/bin/ &&         make distclean &&         hash -r &&         cd tools &&         make qt-faststart && cp qt-faststart ${PREFIX}/bin/
 ---> Running in cac2e89479f9

ERROR: cuda requested, but not all dependencies are satisfied: ffnvcodec
kuznetcoff777 commented 1 year ago

And also

FROM nvidia/cuda:11.4.1-devel-ubuntu20.04 AS devel-base

THIS IMAGE IS DEPRECATED and is scheduled for DELETION. https://gitlab.com/nvidia/container-images/cuda/blob/master/doc/support-policy.md

kuznetcoff777 commented 1 year ago

@jrottenberg Compiled successfully with some changes https://github.com/jrottenberg/ffmpeg/commit/ed31fab596494b22685b3d8b588ed0b999fe8cc9