jrouwe / JoltPhysics

A multi core friendly rigid body physics and collision detection library. Written in C++. Suitable for games and VR applications. Used by Horizon Forbidden West.
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Slow HeightfieldShape Save/RestoreBinaryState #1080

Closed attilaz closed 4 months ago

attilaz commented 4 months ago

We have a 8192x8192 heightfield. RestoreBinaryState takes 1231ms on a Galaxy A51 phone.

Most of the time spent with reading vector elements (mRangeBlocks, mHeightSamples, mActiveEdges)


I have modified the StreamIn vector reader to read the whole vector data with one call. This takes 114ms on the same phone.

I am not sure about is_trivial_v maybe it should be is_trivially_copyable?

template <class T, class A>
void                Read(std::vector<T, A>& outT)
    typename Array<T>::size_type len = outT.size(); // Initialize to previous array size, this is used for validation in the StateRecorder class
    if (!IsEOF() && !IsFailed())

        if (std::is_trivial_v<T>)
            if (len > 0)
                ReadBytes(&outT[0], len * sizeof(outT[0]));
            for (typename Array<T>::size_type i = 0; i < len; ++i)

Our deserialization code looks like this. The ReadBytes is a virtual function which gets called with small sizes.

struct MyStreamInWrapper : public StreamIn
    MyStreamInWrapper(const uint8_t* start, const uint8_t* end) : _rover(start), _end(end)

    virtual void        ReadBytes(void* outData, size_t inNumBytes)
        _eof = (_rover == _end);
        int copy = std::min(inNumBytes, (size_t)(_end - _rover));
        memcpy(outData, _rover, copy);
        _rover += copy;

    /// Returns true when an attempt has been made to read past the end of the file
    virtual bool        IsEOF() const {
        return _eof;

    /// Returns true if there was an IO failure
    virtual bool        IsFailed() const { return false; }

    const uint8_t* _rover;
    const uint8_t* _end;
    bool _eof = false;

MyStreamInWrapper stream_in((uint8_t*)f->getData(), (uint8_t*)f->getData() + f->getDataSize());

// Load the shape
// If you have assigned custom ID's on save, you need to ensure that the shapes exist in this map on restore too.
JPH::Shape::ShapeResult result;

JPH::Shape::IDToShapeMap id_to_shape;
JPH::Shape::IDToMaterialMap id_to_material;
result = JPH::Shape::sRestoreWithChildren(stream_in, id_to_shape, id_to_material);

if (result.IsValid())
    restored_shape = result.Get();
jrouwe commented 4 months ago

That's a good find!

Unfortunately, the suggested solution won't work as e.g. Vec3 is is_trivial and is_trivially_copyable but it requires calling the custom Read(Vec3 &) function to avoid writing garbage for the unused W component.

Let me cook something up.

jrouwe commented 4 months ago

Should be fixed now, thanks for reporting this!