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MPU6050 connection failed - using DMP with Wemos D1 mini ESP8266 #426

Open SvenKolbe opened 5 years ago

SvenKolbe commented 5 years ago

Hi everyone,

I'm currently working on a M.Sc. project to measure the impact of wind on the movement of trees. So far I used the raw data from MPU6050 sensor and everything works well using a Wemos D1. Now I want to integrate some Data Fusion algorithms to reduce noise and data drift. Using Complementary or Kalman Filter as post processing filter for already existing data should no problem! But I am currently running into problems trying to use the in-built DMP (Digital Motion Processor) of the MPU6050. Everything works just perfect, reading raw data, using DMP etc. using an Arduino Uno controller. But when I try to use the DMP (MPU6050_DMP6 sketch or other DMP related sketches) on the Wemos D1, the connection to MPU fails (error: MPU6050 connection failed). The MPU6050_raw sketch runs perfect and the data makes sense, but there seemed to be some issue using the DMP sketches on the Wemos D1.

MPU_6050_raw sketch makes use of the MPU6050.h library whereas MPU6050_DMP6 sketch uses also the MPU6050_6Axis_MotionApps20.h. Would there any need to make some adjustments in one of the sketches to make is run?

Already lowered the FIFO division rate to 25 Hz, tried to use MPU6050 mpu(0x69) instead of MPU6050 mpu, interrupt is on pin 15 (D8) of Wemos.

Any suggestions or experiences using MPU6050 with DMP on ESP8266 Wemos D1 and on how to make it work?

I would really appreciate to get some support on that issue!

Thanks a lot, cheers Sven

SvenKolbe commented 5 years ago

Issue is solved !!!
