jroweboy / smb1base

Base code for modding Super Mario Bros. 1 for the NES
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Game Jam Rules #2

Open NESDRAUG opened 1 year ago

NESDRAUG commented 1 year ago


NESDRAUG commented 1 year ago

There are no limits as to how many levels you can design. However, it must be consistent and any noticeable skew in quality will be deterimental to the points gained for this category.

Using a non-approved base for the hack will result in complete disqualification.

You can only submit one hack. Resubmitting is allowed as many times as you wish within the timespan of the event.

You can still ask questions regarding the development of your hack, but the creation itself should be made purely by you.

The jam will run from July 22, 2023 to July 31, 2023. Judging of the hacks will take place during the following days, and the results will be announced in the ⁠announcements channel.

You may use any tool and documentation. They can be gathered within ⁠rom-resource-uploads, pinned messages. (SMB1_Hacking_Resources.rar, smb1_replica.ftm, etc.)

You may collaborate with 1 other person, but you need to release your hack under a group name.

All entries will be publicly available and archived in a channel. Image 🏗️------LEVELS------🏗️ Points are given for quantity and quality. A level must have the width of a minimum of 8 pages (8*16=128 blocks width). • Quantity: 0 levels: -5 pts penalty. For each level, you get +1 point. (5 levels with 5 pts being the max points you can receive for quantity) • Quality: 0~1: not fun 2~3: fairly fun 4~5: very fun MAXIMUM MARKS FOR LEVELS: 10. 🏗️---------------------------🏗️

🏝️ ------THEMES------ 🏝️ The 3 themes are: • DISCO • ROOMS • ACID You must let us know which theme(s) you picked for. • Chosen theme execution: 0~2: poor/loose execution 3~4: fairly well executed 5~6: excellent execution • You can get points for each additional combined theme(s): 0: poor/loose execution 1: fairly well executed 2: excellent execution MAXIMUM MARKS FOR THEMES: 10. 🏝️ --------------------------- 🏝️

🎵------MUSIC------🎵 • Scoring for custom music engines: 0~2: poor/unchanged music 4~6: good music 7~8: excellent music

• Scoring if the vanilla SMB1 music engine is used: -1: bugged (gibberish) music 0~2: unchanged music 4~6: has clearly changed music 7~8: excellent music (with the music engine limitations in mind)

• +1 point if it's an original composition. • +1 point if there’s titlescreen music.

(Allowed modifications for vanilla SMB1 that don’t count as a custom music engine: -Envelope data -Note length data -Used up space -Longer songs than 256 bytes -Multiple parts assigned to tracks other than overworld) MAXIMUM MARKS FOR MUSIC: 10. 🎵--------------------------🎵

🎨------GRAPHICS------🎨 -2: worse graphics than vanilla 0: unaltered graphics 1~2: slightly changed for the better 3: pleasurable to look at 4: very nice graphics +1 point if animated. MAXIMUM MARKS FOR GRAPHICS: 5. 🎨---------------------------🎨

📝------ASM------📝 0: no ASM 1: minor modification/patch 2~3: gimmick/moderate ASM 4: impressive modifications +1 point if done with 32Kb PRG. MAXIMUM MARKS FOR ASM: 5. 📝--------------------------📝

💠 ------ MISC ------ 💠 • +2 points if the "SMB JAM 2023" string is present on the title screen. • +1 point if the hack has a proper ending sequence. -1 point if there is not. • +2 points if the "SMB ARENA" text is present in the post-axe ending screen. MAXIMUM MARKS FOR OTHER INFO: 5. 💠 ----------------------------------💠 :marioinvisible: Assets You Can Use/Other Info: :marioinvisible: ASM: The base you start using has to be publicly available and approved by the judges. Currently approved bases: • SMB1 ROM (40KB) • Unmodified SMB1 disassembly [asm6] (⁠rom-resource-uploads⁠) • Studs base [ASM6] (https://github.com/smbhacks/smbbase) • Studs minimum expansion base [asm6] (⁠rom-resource-uploads⁠) • Jroweboy base [ca65] (https://github.com/jroweboy/smb1base/) • Nova’s base [ca65] (⁠rom-resource-uploads⁠) •Loz's base (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/560062932747288596/1132676741387796550/SMB_LOZ_BASE.zip) You’ll have to tell us which base you used for your jam hack so that we can score ASM appropriately Graphics: Graphics made during the jam are favoured. You may use graphics that you’ve made in the past, but you have to let us know. We may reject others' used graphics at our discretion. Music: You can cover/compose any music, but it has to be made during the jam. Any form of music patches (except making proper use of Noise bom.ips), would result in -3.5 points. Levels: Auto-generated levels are completely prohibited and will result in instant disqualification. The levels you use have to be made during the jam. Both vanilla and glitchfest levels are completely acceptable.

Additional penalties: • Submitting your work late beyond the deadline, or starting it before the beginning of the jam: -3.5 points. • Groups with more than 2 people get -15 points subtracted per extra person.