jrowen / rhandsontable

A htmlwidgets implementation of Handsontable.js
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Broken rhandson tables pkgdown generated articles #399

Open john-harrold opened 2 years ago

john-harrold commented 2 years ago

I use tables made with rhandsontable in my vignettes. They look fine when I knit them together. However when I try to include those vignettes in a pkgdown site, the frame for the table is there but the content is absent.

I have an example package here: https://github.com/john-harrold/foofactors

And you can see the pkgdown site on Github Pages here: https://john-harrold.github.io/foofactors/articles/Example.html

The example there knitted looks like this:

But in the package down site it looks like this:

This issue was originally submitted to pkgdown: https://github.com/r-lib/pkgdown/issues/1736

It was suggested that there was some css/js conflict between pkgdown and rhandsontable: https://github.com/r-lib/pkgdown/issues/1736#issuecomment-927850958