jrowen / rhandsontable

A htmlwidgets implementation of Handsontable.js
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Potential conflict with dygraphs, moment.js #433

Open AdamElderfield opened 7 months ago

AdamElderfield commented 7 months ago

I am experiencing strange behaviour when launching a shiny application which has two dyGraphs. The data displayed on the legend does not appear on mouse hover over. My limited JS understanding is that there is a conflict between rhandsontable and dygrpahs with the moment JS library.

I believe this is happening only when I use quarterly data in a time object (XTS, TS) - this doesn't happen with yearly or monthly.

Is there anything I can do to resolve this?

A reproduceable example is below:

library(shiny) library(rhandsontable) library(dygraphs) library(DT)

# ui <- fluidPage(

# Application title
titlePanel("Handsontable/Dygraphs issue"),

    # Quarterly data, issue

      # Works



server <- function(input, output) {

# Quarterly data issue!

output$dygraph_q <- renderDygraph({

    dat <- data.frame(x=(seq.Date(ymd("2020-02-01"),length.out = 100, by = "quarter")),

                      y= 1:100) 

    dat <- xts(dat$y,order.by = dat$x)



output$table_q <- renderRHandsontable( {        dat <- data.frame(x=seq.Date(ymd("2020-02-01"),length.out = 100, by = "quarter"),
                                                                 y= 1:100)

rhandsontable(dat, width = 200, height = 200)

# Yearly data fine!

output$dygraph_y <- renderDygraph({

    dat <- data.frame(x=(seq.Date(ymd("2020-02-01"),length.out = 100, by = "year")),

                      y= 1:100) 

    dat <- xts(dat$y,order.by = dat$x)



output$table_y <- renderRHandsontable( {        dat <- data.frame(x=seq.Date(ymd("2020-02-01"),length.out = 100, by = "year"),
                                                                 y= 1:100)

rhandsontable(dat, width = 200, height = 200)



Run the application

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)