I am experiencing strange behaviour when launching a shiny application which has two dyGraphs. The data displayed on the legend does not appear on mouse hover over. My limited JS understanding is that there is a conflict between rhandsontable and dygrpahs with the moment JS library.
I believe this is happening only when I use quarterly data in a time object (XTS, TS) - this doesn't happen with yearly or monthly.
I am experiencing strange behaviour when launching a shiny application which has two dyGraphs. The data displayed on the legend does not appear on mouse hover over. My limited JS understanding is that there is a conflict between rhandsontable and dygrpahs with the moment JS library.
I believe this is happening only when I use quarterly data in a time object (XTS, TS) - this doesn't happen with yearly or monthly.
Is there anything I can do to resolve this?
A reproduceable example is below:
library(shiny) library(rhandsontable) library(dygraphs) library(DT)
# ui <- fluidPage(
server <- function(input, output) {
Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)