Avoid broadcasting of the global array if rank is not None.
Here is the test script.
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI
from scalapy import core
rank = comm.rank
size = comm.size
if size != 4:
raise Exception("Test needs 4 processes.")
core.initmpi([2, 2], block_shape=[3, 3])
def test_from_global_array():
ns = 5 # matrix size
prank = 0 # process rank
if rank == prank:
A = np.random.standard_normal((ns, ns)).astype(np.float64)
B = A
assert not np.isfortran(A) # assert order='C'
assert not np.isfortran(B) # assert order='C'
A = None
B = None
A = comm.bcast(A, root=prank) # every process has a copy of A
assert not np.isfortran(A) # assert order='C'
dA = core.DistributedMatrix.from_global_array(A, rank=None)
gA = dA.to_global_array()
assert not np.isfortran(A) # assert order='C', so A does not changed at all
assert np.allclose(A, gA)
dB = core.DistributedMatrix.from_global_array(B, rank=prank)
gB = dB.to_global_array()
if rank == prank:
assert not np.isfortran(B) # assert order='C', so B does not changed at all
assert np.allclose(B, gB)
assert np.allclose(dA.local_array, dB.local_array)
assert np.allclose(gA, gB)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Avoid broadcasting of the global array if rank is not None.
Here is the test script.