jrs65 / scalapy

A python wrapper around ScaLAPACK
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More effective from_global_array. #13

Closed zuoshifan closed 9 years ago

zuoshifan commented 10 years ago

Avoid broadcasting of the global array if rank is not None.

Here is the test script.

import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI
from scalapy import core

rank = comm.rank
size = comm.size

if size != 4:
    raise Exception("Test needs 4 processes.")

core.initmpi([2, 2], block_shape=[3, 3])

def test_from_global_array():
    ns = 5 # matrix size
    prank = 0 # process rank

    if rank == prank:
        A = np.random.standard_normal((ns, ns)).astype(np.float64)
        B = A
        assert not np.isfortran(A) # assert order='C'
        assert not np.isfortran(B) # assert order='C'
        A = None
        B = None

    A = comm.bcast(A, root=prank) # every process has a copy of A
    assert not np.isfortran(A) # assert order='C'

    dA = core.DistributedMatrix.from_global_array(A, rank=None)
    gA = dA.to_global_array()
    assert not np.isfortran(A) # assert order='C', so A does not changed at all
    assert np.allclose(A, gA)

    dB = core.DistributedMatrix.from_global_array(B, rank=prank)
    gB = dB.to_global_array()
    if rank == prank:
        assert not np.isfortran(B) # assert order='C', so B does not changed at all
        assert np.allclose(B, gB)

    assert np.allclose(dA.local_array, dB.local_array)
    assert np.allclose(gA, gB)

if __name__ == '__main__':