After installing the Capacitor on the back of the PCB then assembling the panel you can not install both switches without running into the capacotor, this causes you to have to slightly rotate the switches to allow for room to install them.
Expected Results
Capacitor should not interfere with switch installation
Actual Results
had to rotate the switches to allow for installation.
Applicable Part Numbers
Release Version
Electrical (PCBs/Wiring/etc)
Applicable End Item(s)
Left Console (LCON)
Built to print?
[X] I built (or attempted to build) the part to the OpenHornet print without any deviations.
[ ] I am not building this part to the OH print. (List deviations in detail in the Miscellaneous Info text area below.)
Discord Username
Bug Summary
After installing the Capacitor on the back of the PCB then assembling the panel you can not install both switches without running into the capacotor, this causes you to have to slightly rotate the switches to allow for room to install them.
Expected Results
Capacitor should not interfere with switch installation
Actual Results
had to rotate the switches to allow for installation.
Applicable Part Numbers
Release Version
Electrical (PCBs/Wiring/etc)
Applicable End Item(s)
Left Console (LCON)
Built to print?
Miscellaneous Info
No response