FN 6 WAS: OHC0003-A-484DGB4
FN 6 IS: OHC0003-A-484AGB4
Addresses #1108
Motivation and Context
Provides different tactile feedback from the INS knob, to prevent inadvertent manipulation of INS knob by mistake.
Type of change
Please delete options that are not relevant.
[X] MCAD - Revision (Revision of an MCAD model)
How Has This Been Tested?
Please describe the tests that you ran to verify your changes. Provide instructions so we can reproduce. Please also list any relevant details for your test configuration:
In-CAD fit check.
Checklist: (Delete non-relevant sections)
[x] Design intent and requirements have been met?
[x] Design has been fit checked to ensure no interference exists with any other components?
[x] Design has been integrated into Next Higher Assembly (NHA)?
[x] Drawing has been revised, (i.e. Rev - to Rev A) with all changes described in Revision Description Block?
[x] Did the parts list change?
If yes:
[x] Master Parts List (OH-MPL) update required due to change? (PR will not be accepted without MPL changes integrated.)
[ ] Drawing Tree (OH-DWG-TREE) update required due to change? (Mostly just new MCAD parts will require this. PR will not be accepted until Drawing Tree updates are completed, or an issue is generated detailing what changes need to be made.)
[ ] Interconnect (OH-Interconnect) update required due to change? (Does this need to plug into another part or assembly electrically? PR will not be accepted until interconnect updates and interconnect BOM is updated.)
[x] Has the PDF of the drawing been named as the next version and placed in the release folder with the correct filename?
[ ] Have all required manufacturing files been generated, named correctly, and placed in the correct location in the release folder?
Addresses #1108
Motivation and Context
Type of change
Please delete options that are not relevant.
How Has This Been Tested?
Please describe the tests that you ran to verify your changes. Provide instructions so we can reproduce. Please also list any relevant details for your test configuration:
Checklist: (Delete non-relevant sections)