Open Lazarus94 opened 3 years ago
Consider eliminating edge drills and introducing tolerance by using combination of corner brackets and triangle corner brackets with floating or fixed bolted joints.
Example Bracket:
Please fill out the issue as completely as possible. Be very specific and take your time. The more effort you put in to fill the issue out completely, the quicker we can fix this or look at adding your requested feature.
(Please summarize your issue here. Be specific.) There is very little tolerance for the alignment of the ribs in the Left/Right Console, Upper Instrument Panel, and Lower Instrument Panel. By hand, it is difficult to perfectly align ribs. If the ribs are not near-perfectly aligned there are issues with inserting printed brackets and other parts.
Expected Results/How It Should Work:
(Explain how you think it should work here. Be very specific.)
In order to solve this, I propose adding grooves to floor plates where ribs for example are mounted. Whilst there are holes in the floor panels for where the screws must come through it is very difficult to perfectly align the ribs with the holes. By adding grooves for where the ribs should fit in it would make the assembly greatly more simple and easy. The ribs would also have to be extended in length at their bottom by however deep the groove is.
Actual Results/How It Does Work:
(Explain how it actually works here. Be very specific.)
It works by just adding a groove into the floor plates of the consoles and UIP/LIP. Then the builder doesn't have to worry about proper alignment. They can just put the parts into the groove and screw it in.
Pictures are worth 1000 words. Take some screen grabs of the model, circle things with the snipping can't put too much info here.
PRO-TIP: Just paste the images here.
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Associated Filename(s):
Insert assembly or part file names here, i.e. 123456.sldasm, etc. OH1A-100 Right Console Floor Left Console Floor