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Add some kind of philosophy section to bottom #14

Open eLtMosen opened 1 year ago

eLtMosen commented 1 year ago

since this release notes will act as a press release, we should add some sentences to remind about our general philosophy and goals so journalists have an easy time copy and pasting and do some expectation management Just from the top of my head:

This is what ChatGPT4 puked out, hehe

AsteroidOS is an open-source operating system designed specifically for smartwatches. Its philosophy is centered around providing users with control over their hardware, ensuring privacy, creating a standalone smartwatch experience, counteracting obsolescence of old hardware, guiding new users into contributing or programming, and promoting a fun and engaging community.

One of the core tenets of AsteroidOS is to give users complete control over their hardware. Unlike many proprietary smartwatch operating systems, AsteroidOS is open-source, which means that users can customize it to their liking, remove any unwanted features, or add new ones. This approach empowers users and allows them to fully personalize their smartwatch experience.

Privacy is also a major concern for AsteroidOS. The operating system is designed to be completely transparent, so users can see what data is being collected and how it is being used. Additionally, AsteroidOS does not require users to sign in or create an account, which means that their data is not being tracked or shared with third parties.

AsteroidOS provides a standalone smartwatch experience, meaning that it can be used independently of a smartphone. This feature is particularly useful for people who want to disconnect from their phones and rely solely on their smartwatch.

One of the major advantages of AsteroidOS is that it can be installed on older hardware, which counteracts the problem of obsolescence. By allowing users to extend the lifespan of their smartwatches, AsteroidOS helps reduce electronic waste and promotes sustainability.

AsteroidOS is also committed to guiding new users into contributing or programming. The project is open to anyone who wants to contribute, regardless of their level of expertise. This inclusive approach ensures that the community remains active and engaged.

Finally, AsteroidOS promotes a fun and engaging community. While it may not be a direct competitor to WearOS, the project provides a unique opportunity for people to come together and work on something that they are passionate about. This community-driven approach fosters collaboration and creativity, making AsteroidOS a fun and exciting project to be a part of.

lepras commented 1 year ago

Also WearOS is really heavyweight and I don't think its a good option for smartwatches. Android was the OS that democratized application development and provided a platform for awesome set of customization and app options which is sadly not the case with wearOS and manufacture overlays of it.

Smartwatch is nice for fitness things and sadly the only Big-Tech option is Apple Watch.

I think this is where Asteroid fills the market gap with customizability of Linux and ofcourse unlocks the whole market of hackers (builders).