jruby / activerecord-jdbc-adapter

JRuby's ActiveRecord adapter using JDBC.
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Couldn't create database error w/ rake db:setup on MySQL #582

Open cap10morgan opened 10 years ago

cap10morgan commented 10 years ago

When I run rake db:setup in a Rails 4 project, I get a "Couldn't create database for..." error.

database.yml NOTE: I need to use the adapter: jdbc syntax because it's the only one that seems to support SSL connections to the MySQL server (which we use in production and I want as few differences between dev and production as possible).

full error output & stack trace

Let me know if any other info would be helpful.

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kares commented 10 years ago

thanks, the rake tasks are mostly tested while assuming adapter: set to concrete adapter (adapter: jdbc will be deprecated for setups where it's not "needed") ... I'm suprised by your notes. there's something messy going on if it ONLY works with jdbc - there's no reason the following configuration should not work (and should be actually ~ to yours) :

defaults: &defaults
  adapter: mysql
  encoding: utf8
  collation: utf8_unicode_ci
  reconnect: true
  autocommit: false
  pool: 100
  username: <%= ENV['DB_USERNAME'].present? ? ENV['DB_USERNAME'] : 'root' %>
  password: <%= ENV['DB_PASSWORD'].present? ? ENV['DB_PASSWORD'] : '' %>
  host: <%= ENV['DB_1_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR'].present? ? ENV['DB_1_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR'] : 'localhost' %>
  port: <%= ENV['DB_1_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT'].present? ? ENV['DB_1_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT'] : '3306' %>
  database: turbovote_development

... there was no SSL configuration present in the url: ... please let us know if there's an issue with using adapter: mysql otherwise this is probably low priority since adapter: mysql is expected to work.

cap10morgan commented 10 years ago

Right, I'm not using SSL in dev, but I can only use SSL in production with adapter: jdbc and the other changes it requires (if that's wrong, I'd love to know how to use SSL with adapter: mysql instead).

So I'm just trying to run a database.yml in dev that is not wildly different from production.

I'll try it with the database.yml above and let you know how it goes.

kares commented 10 years ago

@cap10morgan adapter: mysql should work just fine with SSL ... show us the (DB) config if it does not.

cap10morgan commented 10 years ago

It works with your database.yml.

So now my question is: If this is a low-priority or a wontfix for adapter: jdbc, then how can I get SSL working with adapter: mysql?

cap10morgan commented 10 years ago

@kares It might be a documentation problem. With adapter: mysql, where does the trust store path and the trust store passphrase belong (I'm only verifying the server's cert, not using a client cert)?

kares commented 10 years ago

@cap10morgan still no database configuration with ssl params ! ... it's just about the very same if you must look at MySQL connector J documentation and specify the properties: as in the README

cap10morgan commented 10 years ago

It will take a bit to work up my old attempts at JDBC SSL database.yml w/ adapter: mysql but I'm working on it.

I see no references to SSL in the README.

kares commented 10 years ago


any of those (URL) properties can be set ... just like our README explains, there's a sample :

  adapter: mysql
  username: blog
  password: blog
  url: "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/blog?profileSQL=true"
  properties: # specific to com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    socketTimeout:  60000
    connectTimeout: 60000

.. but if you just take the adapter: jdbc configuration you have working and change the adapter it will work just fine (if it does not than that is actually a bug worth reporting) ... also you can always improve the wiki https://github.com/jruby/activerecord-jdbc-adapter/wiki/MySQL#SSL

cap10morgan commented 10 years ago

OK, here we go.

This works (without SSL):

defaults: &defaults
  adapter: mysql
  encoding: utf8
  collation: utf8_unicode_ci
  reconnect: true
  autocommit: false
  pool: 100
  database: turbovote_development
  username: <%= ENV['DB_USERNAME'].present? ? ENV['DB_USERNAME'] : 'root' %>
  password: <%= ENV['DB_PASSWORD'].present? ? ENV['DB_PASSWORD'] : '' %>
  host: <%= ENV['DB_1_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR'].present? ? ENV['DB_1_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR'] : 'localhost' %>
  port: <%= ENV['DB_1_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT'].present? ? ENV['DB_1_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT'] : '3306' %>

  <<: *defaults
  database: turbovote_development

But this does not:

defaults: &defaults
  adapter: mysql
  encoding: utf8
  collation: utf8_unicode_ci
  reconnect: true
  autocommit: false
  pool: 100
  database: turbovote_development
  username: <%= ENV['DB_USERNAME'].present? ? ENV['DB_USERNAME'] : 'root' %>
  password: <%= ENV['DB_PASSWORD'].present? ? ENV['DB_PASSWORD'] : '' %>
  host: <%= ENV['DB_1_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR'].present? ? ENV['DB_1_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR'] : 'localhost' %>
  port: <%= ENV['DB_1_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT'].present? ? ENV['DB_1_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT'] : '3306' %>
    useSSL: true
    trustStorePath: /Users/wmorgan/dev/dockerfiles/turbovote/staging/config/truststore
    trustStorePassword: [redacted-but-known-to-work]

  <<: *defaults
  database: turbovote_development

Here's the output for the second one:

$ bundle exec rake db:setup
Couldn't create database for {"adapter"=>"mysql", "encoding"=>"utf8", "collation"=>"utf8_unicode_ci", "reconnect"=>true, "autocommit"=>false, "pool"=>100, "database"=>"turbovote_development", "username"=>"root", "password"=>"[redacted]", "host"=>"[redacted]", "port"=>3306, "properties"=>{"useSSL"=>true, "trustStorePath"=>"/Users/wmorgan/dev/dockerfiles/turbovote/staging/config/truststore", "trustStorePassword"=>"[redacted]", "zeroDateTimeBehavior"=>"convertToNull", "jdbcCompliantTruncation"=>"false", "useUnicode"=>"true", "characterEncoding"=>"utf8", "autoReconnect"=>"true"}}, {:charset=>"utf8", :collation=>"utf8_unicode_ci"}
(If you set the charset manually, make sure you have a matching collation)
Couldn't create database for {"adapter"=>"mysql", "encoding"=>"utf8", "collation"=>"utf8_unicode_ci", "reconnect"=>false, "autocommit"=>false, "pool"=>100, "database"=>"turbovote_test", "username"=>"root", "password"=>"[redacted]", "host"=>"[redacted]", "port"=>3306, "properties"=>{"useSSL"=>true, "trustStorePath"=>"/Users/wmorgan/dev/dockerfiles/turbovote/staging/config/truststore", "trustStorePassword"=>"[redacted]", "zeroDateTimeBehavior"=>"convertToNull", "jdbcCompliantTruncation"=>"false", "useUnicode"=>"true", "characterEncoding"=>"utf8", "autoReconnect"=>"true"}}, {:charset=>"utf8", :collation=>"utf8_unicode_ci"}
(If you set the charset manually, make sure you have a matching collation)
-- create_table("absentee_answers", {:force=>true})
rake aborted!
ActiveRecord::JDBCError: The driver encountered an unknown error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Could not create connection to database server. Attempted reconnect 3 times. Giving up.
/Users/wmorgan/dev/turbovote/db/schema.rb:16:in `(root)'
/Users/wmorgan/dev/turbovote/db/schema.rb:14:in `(root)'
Tasks: TOP => db:schema:load
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
cap10morgan commented 10 years ago

@kares I will definitely be updating the wiki once we get this figured out. :)

kares commented 10 years ago

well you likely get the same error with adapter: jdbc if not that's a bug otherwise it's a DB setup issue

cap10morgan commented 10 years ago

@kares Yes, sorry, that was a bad test case (since it's the original motivation for this bug). Here's a better one with rake db:seed which works anytime it can actually connect to the MySQL server:

adapter: mysql with SSL properties as above:

$ rake db:seed
rake aborted!
ActiveRecord::JDBCError: The driver encountered an unknown error: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: Could not create connection to database server. Attempted reconnect 3 times. Giving up.

Tasks: TOP => db:abort_if_pending_migrations

adapter: mysql without SSL properties:

$ bundle exec rake db:seed
Loading seeds into absentee_questions... done. # truncating the rest of the output; it's working

adapter: jdbc and the other changes it requires (driver, url, etc.) with useSSL=true in the url:

$ bundle exec rake db:seed
Loading seeds into absentee_questions... done. # truncating the rest of the output; it's working

Here's the database.yml for that last run:

defaults: &defaults
  adapter: jdbc
  driver: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  encoding: utf8
  collation: utf8_unicode_ci
  reconnect: true
  autocommit: false
  pool: 100
  username: <%= ENV['DB_USERNAME'].present? ? ENV['DB_USERNAME'] : 'root' %>
  password: <%= ENV['DB_PASSWORD'].present? ? ENV['DB_PASSWORD'] : '' %>
  host: <%= ENV['DB_1_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR'].present? ? ENV['DB_1_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR'] : 'localhost' %>
  port: <%= ENV['DB_1_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT'].present? ? ENV['DB_1_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT'] : '3306' %>

  <<: *defaults
  database: turbovote_development
  url: jdbc:mysql://<%= ENV['DB_1_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR'].present? ? ENV['DB_1_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR'] : 'localhost' %>/turbovote_development?useSSL=true
  trust_store_path: /Users/wmorgan/dev/dockerfiles/turbovote/staging/config/truststore
  trust_store_password: [redacted]

That's the only way I've ever gotten SSL to work.

cap10morgan commented 10 years ago

@kares I found a combination that makes SSL work (I assume; do you know how I can verify SSL is being used?) with adapter: mysql but creating databases still doesn't work.


defaults: &defaults
  adapter: mysql
  encoding: utf8
  collation: utf8_unicode_ci
  reconnect: true
  autocommit: false
  pool: 100
  database: turbovote_development
  username: <%= ENV['DB_USERNAME'].present? ? ENV['DB_USERNAME'] : 'root' %>
  password: <%= ENV['DB_PASSWORD'].present? ? ENV['DB_PASSWORD'] : '' %>
  host: <%= ENV['DB_1_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR'].present? ? ENV['DB_1_PORT_3306_TCP_ADDR'] : 'localhost' %>
  port: <%= ENV['DB_1_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT'].present? ? ENV['DB_1_PORT_3306_TCP_PORT'] : '3306' %>
  trust_store_path: /Users/wmorgan/dev/dockerfiles/turbovote/staging/config/truststore
  trust_store_password: [redacted]
    useSSL: true

  <<: *defaults
  database: turbovote_development

With that, rake db:seed and rake db:migrate work but I get this from rake db:create:

Couldn't create database for {"adapter"=>"mysql", "encoding"=>"utf8", "collation"=>"utf8_unicode_ci", "reconnect"=>true, "autocommit"=>false, "pool"=>100, "database"=>"turbovote_development", "username"=>"root", "password"=>"[redacted]", "host"=>"[redacted]", "port"=>3306, "trust_store_path"=>"/Users/wmorgan/dev/dockerfiles/turbovote/staging/config/truststore", "trust_store_password"=>"[redacted]", "properties"=>{"useSSL"=>true, "zeroDateTimeBehavior"=>"convertToNull", "jdbcCompliantTruncation"=>"false", "useUnicode"=>"true", "characterEncoding"=>"utf8", "autoReconnect"=>"true"}}, {:charset=>"utf8", :collation=>"utf8_unicode_ci"}
(If you set the charset manually, make sure you have a matching collation)
Couldn't create database for {"adapter"=>"mysql", "encoding"=>"utf8", "collation"=>"utf8_unicode_ci", "reconnect"=>false, "autocommit"=>false, "pool"=>100, "database"=>"turbovote_test", "username"=>"root", "password"=>"[redacted]", "host"=>"[redacted]", "port"=>3306, "trust_store_path"=>"/Users/wmorgan/dev/dockerfiles/turbovote/staging/config/truststore", "trust_store_password"=>"[redacted]", "properties"=>{"useSSL"=>true, "zeroDateTimeBehavior"=>"convertToNull", "jdbcCompliantTruncation"=>"false", "useUnicode"=>"true", "characterEncoding"=>"utf8", "autoReconnect"=>"true"}}, {:charset=>"utf8", :collation=>"utf8_unicode_ci"}
(If you set the charset manually, make sure you have a matching collation)

So now is this a bug? :)

cap10morgan commented 9 years ago

Any word on this?

kares commented 9 years ago

@cap10morgan sorry, but this is really low-priority (for me) ... I'm not exactly sure what to do here without testing this out myself, I would rather expect you to tell me :) assuming you know how the MySQL JDBC driver configuration properties.

if you take a look at https://github.com/jruby/activerecord-jdbc-adapter/blob/1-3-stable/lib/arjdbc/mysql/connection_methods.rb#L17-L69 you'll notice that we do not handle trust_store_path: or trust_store_password: configuration at all - they currently need to be set at the JVM level as stated in Connector/J's SSL documentation ... if that resolves the issue we can maybe tune the code to set them, but I'm not sure if the same trust-store files would work or they need to be in .jks format (can at least print a warning)