jruby / mavengem

Mavengem protocol and mavengem wagon
Eclipse Public License 1.0
3 stars 4 forks source link

License clarification #11

Open jcharaoui opened 8 months ago

jcharaoui commented 8 months ago

I'm currently working on packaging this for Debian, and one of the tasks is to check the licensing of the code.

The README states that the "wagon code" was picked up from here but it seems that file is currently, and has always been, licensed under the Apache-2.0 license, while this project is licensed with the EPL-1.0.

The picture I have currently is this: https://salsa.debian.org/java-team/jruby-mavengem/-/blob/master/debian/copyright


headius commented 2 months ago

I missed this, sorry for the delay.

I notice that the parent project for that "wagon code" also has a top-level license of EPL-1.0 even though some of the files hat Apache-2 headers. Since the licenses are compatible, I think we could basically do the same but also add Apache-2 text to the license file?

If this was entirely a creation of @mkristian we could probably get his explicit blessing to relicense it as EPL-1.0 and avoid further complications. What do you think of that @mkristian?

mkristian commented 2 months ago

a bit embarrassing as it looks like that the choice to use EPL-1.0 was this wagon file. So I wanted to create a Wagon and used this one class as blueprint for me idea of having a URLConnection which uses the rubygems-tools under the hood.

Can we keep the Apache Lincense for mavengem-wagon/src/main/java/org/torquebox/mojo/mavengem/wagon/MavenGemWagon.java and EPL-1.0 ?

I do not want to make complicated but that would reflect what happened the best.

headius commented 2 months ago

Can we keep the Apache Lincense

I think that would be fine if we add the license header to the source file and an appropriate entry in the project license file. Apache-2 and EPL-* are compatible.