jrupesh / event_notifications

Redmine event notifications : Add event notification options to the each event at the redmine project. For EX: notifications can be enabled / disabled on each document added or news added. Further the tracking can be done at the issue tracker level.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Plugin fails function properly with Redmine 3.4.4 when creating new project or clicking on settings. #39

Closed victorlee816 closed 6 years ago

victorlee816 commented 6 years ago


My environment is Environment: Redmine version 3.4.4.stable.17206 Ruby version 2.4.1-p111 (2017-03-22) [x86_64-linux] Rails version 4.2.8 Environment production Database adapter Mysql2

And my log files says: `Started GET "/projects/new" for at 2018-03-14 16:17:44 -0700 Processing by ProjectsController#new as HTML Current user: vlee (id=6) Rendered projects/_form.html.erb (57.2ms) Rendered projects/new.html.erb within layouts/base (58.0ms) Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 78ms (ActiveRecord: 6.5ms)

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined local variable or method format_store' for #<Project:0x007f8699e6f880> Did you mean? format_time): 33: <% @project.custom_field_values.each do |value| %> 34: <p><%= custom_field_tag_with_label :project, value %></p> 35: <% end %> 36: <%= call_hook(:view_projects_form, :project => @project, :form => f) %> 37: </div> 38: 39: <% if @project.new_record? && @project.safe_attribute?('enabled_module_names') %> plugins/event_notifications-master/lib/event_notification/patches/project_patch.rb:21:innotify_non_member' lib/redmine/views/labelled_form_builder.rb:34:in check_box' plugins/event_notifications-master/lib/event_notification/hooks/event_notification_hook_listener.rb:69:inview_projects_form' lib/redmine/hook.rb:61:in block (2 levels) in call_hook' lib/redmine/hook.rb:61:ineach' lib/redmine/hook.rb:61:in block in call_hook' lib/redmine/hook.rb:58:intap' lib/redmine/hook.rb:58:in call_hook' lib/redmine/hook.rb:96:incall_hook' app/views/projects/_form.html.erb:36:in _app_views_projects__form_html_erb__2727322041610028890_70108049069000' app/views/projects/new.html.erb:4:inblock in _app_views_projects_new_html_erb_878032926884700745_70108049182580' app/helpers/application_helper.rb:1190:in labelled_form_for' app/views/projects/new.html.erb:3:in_app_views_projects_new_htmlerb878032926884700745_70108049182580' `

I am using the latest master version of the plugin. Any suggestion as to what the issue is?

Also, the plugin's config button doesn't work either.

jrupesh commented 6 years ago

Hi, Can you check the project settings with the latest commit in master branch? Also what is the error in the Settings? Thanks.

victorlee816 commented 6 years ago

Sorry. I pulled the master branch again and reinstalled the plugin. It seems to work fine. Thanks a lot.

srulean commented 6 years ago

I am seeing this same error message (undefined local variable for "format_store") when I attempt to access project settings. However - I just cloned the repo, so I would assume that I have the most recent master branch content. "git status" states I am up-to-date with master branch.

My env:

Environment: Redmine version 3.3.3.devel Ruby version 2.3.0-p0 (2015-12-25) [x86_64-linux] Rails version 4.2.8 Environment development Database adapter PostgreSQL SCM: Subversion 1.8.8 Mercurial 2.8.2 Cvs 1.12.13 Bazaar 2.7.0 Git 2.11.0

srulean commented 6 years ago

I uninstalled it, re-cloned it, re-installed it, configured it - still same error.