Here is a little mode that I've been using for years, perhaps others will find it useful. Pasting the commentary below:
;; This is a minor mode that highlights certain things of interest and
;; allows you to easily move through them. The most useful is
;; `js2r-highlight-thing-at-point', which highlights occurrences of
;; the thing at point. You'd normally use it on variables, and it
;; selects all occurrences in the defining scope, but it also works on
;; constants (highlights occurrences in the whole buffer), or on
;; "this" or "super" keywords.
;; There's also `js2r-highlight-free-vars' which selects free
;; variables in the enclosing function, and `js2r-highlight-exits'
;; which selects exit points from the current function ("return" or
;; "throw" nodes).
;; While highlights mode is on, the following key bindings are
;; available:
;; C-<down> - `js2r-highlight-move-next'
;; C-<up> - `js2r-highlight-move-prev'
;; C-<return> - `js2r-highlight-rename'
;; <escape> or C-g - `js2r-highlight-forgetit'
;; `js2r-highlight-rename' will replace all highlighted regions with
;; something else (you'll specify in the minibuffer). When used on
;; variables it takes care to maintain code semantics, for example in
;; situations like this:
;; let { foo } = obj;
;; With the cursor on "foo", `js2r-highlight-thing-at-point' will
;; select all occurrences of "foo" in the enclosing scope, and if you
;; use rename, it will convert to something like this, instead of
;; simply renaming:
;; let { foo: newName } = obj;
;; such that newName will still be initialized to, as in the
;; original code.
;; I use the following key bindings to enter highlights mode:
;; (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (kbd "M-?") 'js2r-highlight-thing-at-point)
;; (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-f") 'js2r-highlight-free-vars)
;; (define-key js2-refactor-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-x") 'js2r-highlight-exits)
;; There is also an utility function suitable for expand-region, I
;; have the following in my `js2-mode-hook':
;; (setq er/try-expand-list '(js2r-highlight-extend-region))
Here is a little mode that I've been using for years, perhaps others will find it useful. Pasting the commentary below: