js1972 / generator-openui5

Yeoman generator for OpenUI5 applications and assets
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Look into using concat and uglify with OpenUI5 #5

Closed js1972 closed 10 years ago

js1972 commented 10 years ago

UI5 has a Dependancy Resolution Tool which can concat and minify code modules: https://openui5.hana.ondemand.com/#docs/guide/ModularizationConcept.html. However there is no documentation on how to use this. The help states that an ant task can be used but that's all (or a servlet but I'm not interested in that).

js1972 commented 10 years ago

Uglify is possible - check out the grunt-ui5 plugin for this: https://github.com/themasch/grunt-ui5. It will also create a library pre-load file. Internally the sapui5 team are working on a build process.