i almost customized ng-gantt all and nearly done in my project. but the issue is the vEvent is not working. the vEvent is triggered, but all the current data is missing. seems like the parents component ts is not pass in. when the test method called, the original value of orderNumber is missing. can anybody help?
Hi, i almost customized ng-gantt all and nearly done in my project. but the issue is the vEvent is not working. the vEvent is triggered, but all the current data is missing. seems like the parents component ts is not pass in. when the test method called, the original value of orderNumber is missing. can anybody help?
many thanks, George
vEvents: { taskname: this.test, beforeDraw: () => console.log('before draw listener'), afterDraw: () => console.log('before after listener') }, test(event) { this._orderNumber = "dfgls"; this._currentJobVisitOrDefect = 'po'; this._currentDefectID = event.getAllData().pDataObjec.DefectID; alert(event.getAllData().pDataObjec.pID); }