jsantell / dancer.js

high-level audio API, designed to make sweet visualizations
MIT License
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Function to update beats frequency and threshold on-the-fly #16

Closed Yahav closed 11 years ago

Yahav commented 11 years ago

beat.js Line 19:
SEARCH FOR: "Beat.prototype = {" ADD AFTER: setparam : function (frequency,threshold) { this.frequency = frequency || options.frequency || [ 0, 10]; // 0, 10 this.threshold = threshold || options.threshold || 0.3; // 0.3 return this; },

cesutherland commented 11 years ago

Even better would be: settings : function (options) { // handle frequency, threshold },

jsantell commented 11 years ago

Word, I'll add this as well as the renaming of beat to kick. Thanks!