jsbroks / coco-annotator

:pencil2: Web-based image segmentation tool for object detection, localization, and keypoints
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Can't detect images sometime #321

Open Haow235 opened 4 years ago

Haow235 commented 4 years ago

My problem is that it sometimes can't find the image. OS: Linux what I do:

  1. start server;
  2. create a dataset named xxx
  3. cp image files to the directory ./dataset/xxx/ sometimes, it can detect the image, sometimes it just show "No image in dataset"

If I cp a directory with img, it can detected the directory, but can't find the img.

rbavery commented 4 years ago

Hi @jsbroks I'm also running into this issue when testing the most recent production build with tif imagery.

Tasks are stuck running trying to discover but they don't find anything



But in datasets/planet-4band-test I have both a 1 channel and 4 channel image.

Metadata for 4 channel image

coco-annotator/datasets/planet-4band-test  on  master via 🅒 base 
➜ rio info 20180801_173117_1009_3B_AnalyticMS_SR_clip.tif
{"blockxsize": 256, "blockysize": 256, "bounds": [570219.0, 3496098.0, 585822.0, 3500655.0], "colorinterp": ["blue", "green", "red", "undefined"], "compress": "lzw", "count": 4, "crs": "EPSG:32612", "descriptions": [null, null, null, null], "driver": "GTiff", "dtype": "uint16", "height": 1519, "indexes": [1, 2, 3, 4], "interleave": "pixel", "lnglat": [-110.1774019529404, 31.617889203049], "mask_flags": [["nodata"], ["nodata"], ["nodata"], ["nodata"]], "nodata": 0.0, "res": [3.0, 3.0], "shape": [1519, 5201], "tiled": true, "transform": [3.0, 0.0, 570219.0, 0.0, -3.0, 3500655.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0], "units": [null, null, null, null], "width": 5201}

I'm also unable to detect a .tif image that has 3 channels, so I think this is a general tif issue, though I saw recently that it looked like there was a PR to add tif support. This issue can be tested using publicly available tif data from this link: https://ndownloader.figshare.com/articles/2009586/versions/10

RGB tif imagery is stored at ~/geospatial-python/data/NEON-DS-Airborne-Remote-Sensing/HARV/RGB_Imagery from the data available via the above link.

As a side note, it'd be nice if COCO annotator was channel agnostic and could handle 4 channel imagery similar to napari (an ND image viewer), where different channel combinations could be selected for visualization, either on import or interactively during the labeling stage.

EtienneDavid commented 4 years ago

@Haow235 did you try to use the "scan" button in the dataset view ?

Haow235 commented 4 years ago

@EtienneDavid Yes, I tried "Scan", "refresh", "import", and they don't work too. I tried update then restart my computer, restart the server, and recreate the dataset, then it can detect the images.

rbavery commented 4 years ago

Scanning and restarting does not work for me when using .tif images.

EtienneDavid commented 4 years ago

OK, it may linked to a docker volume management problem...

Mantezzy commented 4 years ago

I also ran into the same issue. I only have 1 image in the folder and it can't detect it.

wish2023 commented 3 years ago

I have the same issue too

aleksod commented 3 years ago

Same :(

Some tasks point to the inability to read images in their directories: image

manar-majdi commented 5 months ago

help i use os: Windows 11 and it 's can't find all my image :(