jscad / OpenJSCAD.org

JSCAD is an open source set of modular, browser and command line tools for creating parametric 2D and 3D designs with JavaScript code. It provides a quick, precise and reproducible method for generating 3D models, and is especially useful for 3D printing applications.
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JSCAD GUI does not cleanup messages for repeated SHIFT+ENTER on same script #1317

Open Hermann-SW opened 5 months ago

Hermann-SW commented 5 months ago

Expected Behavior

On pressing SHIFT+ENTER in editor,

please wait

appears, and then disappears after rendering completed.

Actual Behavior

Expected behavior is happening for first SHIFT+ENTER for a given script. Pressing SHIFT+ENTER again on unchanged script does not cleanup the messages.

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  1. paste
    module.exports=function main(){return require('@jscad/modeling').primitives.sphere({radius: 50})}

    into editor

  2. press SHIFT+ENTER, messages appear and disappear on left side
  3. press SHIFT+ENTER again, cleanup of messages does not work
  4. add whitespace at very beginning of script and press SHIFT+ENTER, cleanup happens only first time
