jscad / OpenJSCAD.org

JSCAD is an open source set of modular, browser and command line tools for creating parametric 2D and 3D designs with JavaScript code. It provides a quick, precise and reproducible method for generating 3D models, and is especially useful for 3D printing applications.
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Error trying to render a cookie cutter #215

Closed Moosieus closed 7 years ago

Moosieus commented 7 years ago

The Error displayed is the following:

Syntax error
Line: 10,col: 8

The object is this:

edgeThickness = 0.4;
cutter_sizes = 4;
wallHeight = 17;
wallFlareWidth = 14;
wallFlareThickness = 2;
minWallWidth = .8;
maxWallWidth = .8;
insideWallFlareWidth = 1;
insideWallFlareThickness = 1.5;
minInsideWallWidth = 1;
maxInsideWallWidth = 3;
featureHeight = 14;
minFeatureThickness = 0.8;
maxFeatureThickness = 0.8;
connectorThickness = 2;
size = 25.4*cutter_sizes;

module dummy() {}

scale = size/25.108;

module ribbon(points, thickness=1, closed=false) {
    p = closed ? concat(points, [points[0]]) : points;

    union() {
        for (i=[1:len(p)-1]) {
            hull() {
                translate(p[i-1]) circle(d=thickness, $fn=8);
                translate(p[i]) circle(d=thickness, $fn=8);

module cookieCutter() {

render(convexity=10) linear_extrude(height=(wallHeight)) ribbon(path0,thickness=min(maxWallWidth,max(0.001,minWallWidth)));
render(convexity=10) linear_extrude(height=(wallHeight+1)) ribbon(path0,thickness=edgeThickness);
difference() {
 render(convexity=10) linear_extrude(height=wallFlareThickness) ribbon(path0,thickness=wallFlareWidth);
 translate([0,0,-0.01]) linear_extrude(height=wallFlareThickness+0.02) polygon(points=path0);

translate([0,-280.545*scale,0]) cookieCutter();

It works fine in the desktop version of OpenSCAD: http://imgur.com/a/vEu8S

kaosat-dev commented 7 years ago

Hi @Moosieus I think it is due to the list comprehension : path0=scale*[[-2.604,305.284],[-2.961 .... So it would be the same as issue #162 : sadly list comprehensions are not supported by OpenJscad (yet)

z3dev commented 7 years ago

This issue was moved to jscad/openscad-openjscad-translator#16