jscad / OpenJSCAD.org

JSCAD is an open source set of modular, browser and command line tools for creating parametric 2D and 3D designs with JavaScript code. It provides a quick, precise and reproducible method for generating 3D models, and is especially useful for 3D printing applications.
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Enhancement: custom font #72

Closed lebryk closed 3 years ago

lebryk commented 9 years ago

Is it posible to use other fonts in vector_text() or change default font to other?

dragondgold commented 8 years ago

Any updates on this?

z3dev commented 8 years ago

Basically, no. The current font (1) is a series of points and pretty fixed at this point.

In order to support "fonts", the whole concept of 2D vector graphics needs to be supported. It's not impossible but it would take a whole new library, and other changes.

However, there are some great tools for converting images (including letters, words, text) to DXF, EPS, PS, SVG, etc. You might be interested in some of those. Potrace is probably the most well used and versatile; http://potrace.sourceforge.net/

So, you could convert an image (with those nice fonts) to DXF, and import into OpenJSCAD.org. I have converted several images (of text) to DXF and SVG with great success. Quite impressive.

In addition, SVG support is coming soon (less fonts). There are many applications that can produce SVG files, and export fonts as SVG paths. Those SVG paths will be importable into OpenJSCAD.org.

focomoso commented 8 years ago

Does anyone know how blocksCAD manages to do it?

linear_extrude( height=3, twist=0, center=false){
  text("hello", font = "Nimbus Sans", size = 10);

Works fine...

eric-schleicher commented 8 years ago

Fwiw, opentypejs is the way to get this supported.

Would be a great addition here. On Feb 23, 2016 3:11 PM, "James H. Kelly" notifications@github.com wrote:

Does anyone know how blocksCAD manages to do it?

linear_extrude( height=3, twist=0, center=false){ text("hello", font = "Nimbus Sans", size = 10); }

Works fine...

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/Spiritdude/OpenJSCAD.org/issues/72#issuecomment-187957919 .

focomoso commented 8 years ago

Ahh, I missed that. I suppose I could take a look to see how easy / hard it would be to add to openjscad.

z3dev commented 8 years ago

No idea. I see the following library in the BlockCAD page source but know nothing about this.

focomoso commented 8 years ago

I'm looking at it now. Doesn't look too crazy. I forked and will see what I can come up with.

z3dev commented 8 years ago

Super. Let me know if you have any questions...

focomoso commented 8 years ago

My questions are mostly about how the project is organized. Since you're not using browserify or something similar, my initial approach was to just add opentype.js directly from the index page, but I'm unable to access the opentype global (it's definitely being loaded and is available on the global scope, but not in openscad.js). Is there a better way to do this? I may not be getting how the project is laid out in general.

z3dev commented 8 years ago

i see...

the JSCAD scripts are executed via Worker threads. this allows the GUI to remain active while the script is being evaluated.

the down side of this approach is that the Worker thread has to "know" which libraries to import. There's a table of libraries being passed to the Worker thread. You find the short table in openjscad.js, function rebuildSolidAsync().

To continue development, I suggest adding the opentype.js library into that list.

focomoso commented 8 years ago

Thanks, I'll give it a shot.

focomoso commented 8 years ago

I was able to import opentype but, unfortunately, opentype.js does not play well with web workers. There are cross origin issues when loading the fonts and it needs a drawing context (such as canvas) to do it's magic.

I'll keep digging.

eric-schleicher commented 8 years ago


It needs a canvas to finish opening a font? Or to draw?

In my totally unrelated project im using opentypejs to extract the glyphs and draw nativetly in svg paths. Im working directly with the command arrays and dont use a canvas to draw... but it definately available if opentype is using it under the hood since my use isnt using workers...

Or are you getting stopped by the cross origin issue first? Perhaps You might download the font outside the worker context and pass it off as base64 encoded buffer...

From github docs page: "If you already have an ArrayBuffer, you can use opentype.parse(buffer) to parse the buffer. This method always returns a Font, but check font.supportedto see if the font is in a supported format. "

This would seem to allow a font to be handed over directly... a potentially reasonable approach

Then the worker can recieve the full font without having to download it. On Feb 27, 2016 10:30 AM, "James H. Kelly" notifications@github.com wrote:

I was able to import opentype but, unfortunately, opentype.js does not play well with web workers. There are cross origin issues when loading the fonts and it needs a drawing context (such as canvas) to do it's magic.

I'll keep digging.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/Spiritdude/OpenJSCAD.org/issues/72#issuecomment-189699376 .

focomoso commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the ideas. I was able to add an initFont() function to OpenJsCad.Processor that successfully loads the files, but I'm having a heck of a time figuring out how to pass the buffer into the worker. Neither the onmessage function in openjscad.js nor in jscad-worker.js seem to get called.

z3dev commented 8 years ago

Here's the flow (without technical details)... browser calls Processor.setJsCad(script,fileUrl)

Inside rebuildSolidAsync()

The worker thread only has access to the parameters and the libraries. If you want to pass more data into the worker thread then the data needs to be provided in the parameters of postMessage().

What you might want to do at this point is force the use of the rebuildSolidSync() function. This function doesn't have limitations on what's accessible (It's just a normal function call). You can continue to develop the font support.

After completing the font support, we can talk about what is necessary inside the Worker.

z3dev commented 8 years ago

@focomoso How goes the new development? Did the tips help any?

focomoso commented 8 years ago

I got sidetracked... Will look at this over the weekend.

z3dev commented 8 years ago

Hi @focomoso Did you have time to make any progress?

z3dev commented 7 years ago

Any progress on the support for other fonts?

faithhack commented 6 years ago

Any progress on this? BlocksCAD's working support is in: blockscad/viewer.js (formally openjscad.js) pathToPoints(path, resolution) blockscad/text.js openscad-openjscad-translator/src/PrimitiveModules.js

It seems like text.js does the pre-loading of the fonts with opentype.load and the viewer.js handles turning the opentype.getPath() Path into points and paths for a 2D shape for the PrimativeModules.js Font. I'm not sure I understand the webworker issue (yet) but there is also webworker code in BlocksCAD viewer.js

kaosat-dev commented 6 years ago

@faithhack thanks for the informations ! it should be considerably easier to add support for it these days, as we cleaned up the code significantly :easier to see where/how webworkers are used ( and we switched to a browserify approach)

Honestly we ( @z3dev & I ) are already working on a ton of stuff, so not making any promises on this , but it would be nice ! @focomoso is this still a possibility for you ?

profOnno commented 5 years ago

I'm working on a opentype.js wrapper. I've got a prototype working, but for now it needs jscad to accept the main function to return a Promise. That requires rebuildSolids and jscad-worker to change a bit. See Promises in jscad: #396.

The key part is to use absolute URLs when using XMLHttpRequests. The opentype.js lib has an load function but this didn't work in the worker (still have to investigate), so I made an xhttp binary request to get the font. opentype.js can parse the result, and Bob's you uncle.

screenshot1 My version of csg-viewer: screenshot2

profOnno commented 5 years ago

Did some more work, now most of the glyph are working, so now you can add a emoji on your cube(). I have a font2jscad script, this way fonts can be included in the current version (v1) of www.openjscad.org.


The opentype.jscad library still needs some attention and a lot of cleanup before I put the source on github.

ps. If you use this please check if you may use the font for you application. Not all fonts are free.

z3dev commented 5 years ago

@zfan40 Thanks for the interest in JSCAD. There was a new release which added enhancements to spacing, alignment, and sizes. Please see the User Guide, Text information.

Hopefully, that give you enough functionality until V2 arrives.

cioddi commented 4 years ago

Is there any info/documentation available on how the ttf fonts are converted into the format that is used in the examples? The ones in this folder https://www.openjscad.org/fonts/

I already found this repo https://github.com/ojsc/opentype.jscad and the correspondig converter but the solution appears to be incompatible with the current version of openjscad.

Thanks for any help and all the great work that has already been done on this project.

cioddi commented 4 years ago

I created a pull request (https://github.com/ojsc/opentype.jscad/compare/master...cioddi:patch-1) for https://github.com/ojsc/opentype.jscad to fix the example. It was just a minor incompatibility with the latest API. The functionality is at this point sufficient for me as it provides a way to use any ttf font with openjscad. Once V2 is released this will be deprecated anyway.

3dpros commented 4 years ago

has anyone tried to get the opentype.jscad working with this? https://github.com/danmarshall/jscad-gallery

danmarshall commented 4 years ago

@3dpros - we should add a font picker as an input type. Can you open a new issue at https://github.com/danmarshall/jscad-gallery ?

3dpros commented 4 years ago

@danmarshall Appreciate your reply, I created an issue for it! Any tips on how to get fonts working in the meantime, even just statically defined in a js file?

z3dev commented 4 years ago

I have a solution but it requires V2 of OpenJSCAD.org, and only CLI at this time. Interested in an adventure?

3dpros commented 4 years ago

I was hoping to integrate it somehow into Dan's project which has many of the features I am looking for in my application. It looks like it uses jscad-api which appears to not have the latest openjscad features. Unfortunately CLI won't work for my use case.

z3dev commented 3 years ago

I just created a new repository as part of the JSCAD Community called jscad-text. If anyone is interested this has the code to convert the SVG-like paths (from opentype.js) to JSCAD paths.

Extending this to work in V2 WEB / APP UI may be possible. Let me know if interested.

z3dev commented 3 years ago

V2 JSCAD can handle outline fonts via this library.


This library can be used as part of any V2 project. In addition, the library can be use via WEB or CLI.

z3dev commented 3 years ago

Closing as font outlines are now possible using V2 JSCAD, which has been released.

Rlesjak commented 2 years ago


Closing as font outlines are now possible using V2 JSCAD, which has been released.

Hi, is there any documentation on this?

I found this: https://openjscad.xyz/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=en:design_guide_text

But it was written before you closed this issue, also you mentioned this repository: https://github.com/jscad-community/jscad-text in which google fonts can be used, yet docs say only single-line fonts can be used. Can this repo be used to 'compile' google fonts for JSCAD?

In short: What I would like to do is generate/render 3D text via web (on browser) using some google fonts. I am just using @jscad/regl-renderer.

Here is my current demo.html file I created using examples, I would like to implements google fonts here. https://gist.github.com/Rlesjak/b65e84cdc8fa54b4e7301fa31c1eb589

hrgdavor commented 2 years ago

I have not played with ttf in jscad, but this might be useful: https://gero3.github.io/facetype.js/

z3dev commented 2 years ago


Closing as font outlines are now possible using V2 JSCAD, which has been released.

Hi, is there any documentation on this?

I found this: https://openjscad.xyz/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=en:design_guide_text

But it was written before you closed this issue, also you mentioned this repository: https://github.com/jscad-community/jscad-text in which google fonts can be used, yet docs say only single-line fonts can be used. Can this repo be used to 'compile' google fonts for JSCAD?

In short: What I would like to do is generate/render 3D text via web (on browser) using some google fonts. I am just using @jscad/regl-renderer.

@Rlesjak Welcome!

Correct. That little library can be used to build outlines from TTF fonts. You can play around and try some of the examples. The documentation also shows how to construct a project which includes the little library (and the opentype.JS library).

For Google fonts, the font has to be fetched from Google. The example only works for NPM (command line) based projects.

Are you building a website?

hrgdavor commented 2 years ago

I was very intrigued by the issue so I decided to try to make a version http://3d.hrg.hr/jscad/jscad_text/demo.html


I copied code from https://github.com/jscad-community/jscad-text to transform text command to polygons, then used some magic knowledge of how jscad geoms work to create a big geom2 with sides that match ccw for font outside and holes.

it is a bloody mess but it works, so go play with it :D :D :D

it also uses promise to wait for font to download and injects entities into render

just download files from http://3d.hrg.hr/jscad/jscad_text/

I think I am gonna make a jscad lib out of it :D

Rlesjak commented 2 years ago

@hrgdavor WOW! Thanks a lot for the help!

I tested it with a few additional fonts and it seems like on some fonts triangles get flipped. You can see it here: https://demo.rlesjak.info/jscad/fonts/

edit: It seems like it happens when two letters intersect.

Screenshot 2021-08-11 120649

hrgdavor commented 2 years ago

yes, that could be resolved by

A) separating polygons for each letter

B) but thinking of it, maybe just creating separate shape out of each poly, and doing union might do the trick too without being concerned which one is hole and which is area

I am looking to separate the useful code from there into a library that jscad scripts could use by importing, so If you make progress on this let me know. If you are unable to do it, I might give it a try later on when I got time to play with it more.

I like to chat about jscad so feel free to join discord server https://discord.gg/BVnJ27vgcD

hrgdavor commented 2 years ago

here is updated version that does union and subtract based on if path is CCW copied function that is not yet officially part of jscad #889



mark-hahn commented 2 years ago

I've created a utility that converts single-line SVG font files into jscad text data format. SVG font files are nice because they are a standard and widely available. I've personally found TTF files to be a kludge with paths being retraced needlessly or open-path paths being closed and screwing things up.

The output can be a module to be imported, or the data can be directly injected into a jscad file. (I directly inject it into my code because I use https://www.openjscad.xyz and I don't know how to import modules in that environment).

You can find it at https://github.com/mark-hahn/jscad-font-gen. Enjoy ...