Closed Bolkun closed 4 years ago
Need to add a check on line
If it is a directory, then it should be builder.addFile(tagFile, rootDir.relativize(tagFile));
or something like that. Be sure to add a test case for this!
This should be fixed in version 4.3
When submitting an issue please include:
a small code example showing the incorrect behavior BagBuilder builder = new BagBuilder(); builder.addAlgorithm("md5") .addMetadata("foo", "bar")
.addPayloadFile(payloadFiles) .addTagFile(Paths.get(absolute_dir + "/import/meta")) .bagLocation(Paths.get(absolute_dir + "/export/bag) .write();
the expected behavior Structure of Bag MUST be data meta (with files for example: mods.xml, rights.xml) bag-info.txt bagit.txt manifest-md5.txt tagmanifest-md5.txt (Must include: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx meta/mods.xml) (Must include: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx meta/rights.xml)
the actual behavior Structure of Bag INCORRECT data mods.xml rights.xml bag-info.txt bagit.txt manifest-md5.txt tagmanifest-md5.txt
the operating system being used, and its version debian 10
version of Bagging being used 4.2