jschaf / pggen

Generate type-safe Go for any Postgres query. If Postgres can run the query, pggen can generate code for it.
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array_agg(table) returning a []Table? #15

Closed sentriz closed 3 years ago

sentriz commented 3 years ago

hi thanks for the cool tool!

given a schema

create table if not exists screenshots (
    id bigint primary key               

create table if not exists blocks (                            
    id serial primary key,                                     
    screenshot_id bigint not null references screenshots (id), 
    body text not null                                         

and query

-- name: SearchScreenshots :many                        
    array_agg(blocks) blocks                  
    join blocks on blocks.screenshot_id = screenshots.id
    pggen.arg('Body') % blocks.body                    
group by                                                
limit pggen.arg('Limit')
offset pggen.arg('Offset');  

('str' % column being a pg_trgm thing)

pggen generates

type SearchScreenshotsParams struct {                                                                            
    Body   string                                                                            
    Limit  int                                                                            
    Offset int                                                                            

type SearchScreenshotsRow struct {                                                                            
    ID             pgtype.Int8      `json:"id"`                                                                                                                        
    Blocks         []Blocks         `json:"blocks"`                                                                            

// SearchScreenshots implements Querier.SearchScreenshots.                                                                      
func (q *DBQuerier) SearchScreenshots(ctx context.Context, params SearchScreenshotsParams) ([]SearchScreenshotsRow, error) {    
    // some stuff
    return items, err

however the Blocks in SearchScreenshotsRow's []Blocks is undefined

so my question is, is it somehow possible, or in the scope of this project, that pggen could generate something like

 Blocks         []Block         `json:"blocks"`

where Block is a struct with fields matching the blocks table?

also postgres shows the type of the array_agg(blocks) column as block[] image

any help is much appreciated, thanks!

jschaf commented 3 years ago

Oh, interesting. If I understand correctly, the query builds an array of the entire composite type of Block. pggen definitely supports composite types (including create a corresponding Go type def as in https://github.com/jschaf/pggen/blob/main/example/nested/query.sql.go#L71), but I don't think I've tested it with an array of composite types.

Can you provide the pggen command that you used?

I'm able to reproduce the bug. I'll get cracking on fixing it.

jschaf commented 3 years ago

A few slightly off-topic comments not related to pggen.

sentriz commented 3 years ago

Can you provide the pggen command that you used?

sure it's pggen gen go --schema-glob sql/schema.sql --query-glob sql/queries.sql --output-dir db --postgres-connection "blah"

I'm able to reproduce the bug. I'll get cracking on fixing it.

:heart_eyes: brilliant thanks! i'd be very excited to use pggen then, I've just started experimenting with it yesterday and this feature would really seal the deal for me :)

pggen.arg('Body') % blocks.body

this is pg_trgm syntax

order by clause to guarantee stable results

I will do this, thanks :ok_hand:

keyset pagination

I was thinking of this one too, but my project is still in it's early days and I'm stilling figuring out a nice stack first

jschaf commented 3 years ago

This is partially resolved by 29b8bc8. That commit fixes the generated code so it least compiles. It won't run however. Coaxing pgx to scan an array of composite types is difficult to do without knowing the OIDs ahead of time. If you implement the Decode methods for Blocks in the same package it will probably work.

I have a working sketch so that pggen will generate working code. It depends on a few things:

// SearchScreenshots implements Querier.SearchScreenshots.
func (q *DBQuerier) SearchScreenshots(ctx context.Context, params SearchScreenshotsParams) ([]SearchScreenshotsRow, error) {
    rows, err := q.conn.Query(ctx, searchScreenshotsSQL, params.Body, params.Limit, params.Offset)
    if rows != nil {
        defer rows.Close()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("query SearchScreenshots: %w", err)
    items := []SearchScreenshotsRow{}
    blockRow, err := pgtype.NewCompositeType("blocks", []pgtype.CompositeTypeField{
        {Name: "id", OID: pgtype.Int4OID},
        {Name: "screenshot_id", OID: pgtype.Int8OID},
        {Name: "body", OID: pgtype.TextOID},
    }, q.conn.(*pgx.Conn).ConnInfo())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("build composite type block: %w", err)
    blockArray := pgtype.NewArrayType("_block", 0, func() pgtype.ValueTranscoder {
        return blockRow.NewTypeValue().(*pgtype.CompositeType)
    for rows.Next() {
        var item SearchScreenshotsRow
        if err := rows.Scan(&item.ID, blockArray); err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("scan SearchScreenshots row: %w", err)
        items = append(items, item)
    if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("close SearchScreenshots rows: %w", err)
    return items, err
jschaf commented 3 years ago

This should be fixed in 2dd57b98 and ad75bc3d. Give it a go and re-open if you run into any issues.

There's a tested example in https://github.com/jschaf/pggen/tree/main/example/composite

This is one of the more brittle implementations that pggen supports. There's a few caveats:

sentriz commented 3 years ago

amazing! this is great news. i'll be trying it out very shortly

sentriz commented 3 years ago

this works really well, thanks very much :)