jscheid / dtrt-indent

A minor mode that guesses the indentation offset originally used for creating source code files and transparently adjusts the corresponding settings in Emacs, making it more convenient to edit foreign files.
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dtrt-indent-try-set-offset doesn't set generic indent variables #41

Closed hlissner closed 6 years ago

hlissner commented 6 years ago

On lines 923-924 of dtrt-indent-try-set-offset, the following check

(not (eq (symbol-value indent-offset-variable)

prevents other variables in dtrt-indent-hook-generic-mapping-list from being set, even if they don't match the best guess.

i.e. I want evil-shift-width to be set to the best guess, but if the mode's offset variable (say, ruby-indent-level) already matches the guess, it won't bother.

I'm guessing this wasn't intentional, so I suggest either removing the check or checking if all indent-offset-variables match the best guess before short circuiting. (Shall I PR this?)

rrthomas commented 6 years ago

Thanks! I'd be happy with the simplest option (remove the check); please do submit a PR.