jscheid / prettier.el

Prettier code formatting for Emacs.
GNU General Public License v3.0
163 stars 11 forks source link

file-missing "Opening input file" "No such file or directory" prettier-el.js.gz.base64 #90

Closed alecvn closed 2 years ago

alecvn commented 2 years ago

I am getting this error when I do M-x prettier-info. Unlike the previous issue created under this header, I am not using the straight package.

(file-missing "Opening input file" "No such file or directory" "~/.emacs.d/elpa/prettier-20210606.1150/prettier-el.js.gz.base64")
jscheid commented 2 years ago

Thanks for bringing this to my attention. As far as I can tell this is an issue with MELPA, I've opened a ticket over there: https://github.com/melpa/melpa/issues/7652

jscheid commented 2 years ago

As a workaround you could install directly from this tarball: https://github.com/jscheid/prettier.el/suites/2922863809/artifacts/65601677

You'd need to unzip it (not untar it) and then use M-x package-install-file

alecvn commented 2 years ago

I assumed it was a MELPA issue but just wanted to check here first.

I'll try your suggested workaround, thanks!

alecvn commented 2 years ago

@jscheid sorry to drag this on, but I get (error "Package lacks a file header") when I try to install from that tarball.

jscheid commented 2 years ago

No problem. Did you unzip it? You should have a tarball that looks like this:

$ unzip prettier.tar.zip 
Archive:  prettier.tar.zip
  inflating: prettier.tar       
$ file prettier.tar
prettier.tar: POSIX tar archive (GNU)
$ tar tf prettier.tar 

Then, in Emacs M-x package-install-file RET /path/to/prettier.tar RET should work.

alecvn commented 2 years ago

Okay that was silly of me. Got it.

For anyone reading this later, I just needed to restart Emacs (restarting prettier didn't work) so that it wasn't trying to look for the elpa version of prettier.

@jscheid feel free to close this issue if you'd rather Melpa track it, thank you very much for your assistance.

jscheid commented 2 years ago

Glad I could help. I might leave it open until this is sorted.

rieje commented 2 years ago

As a workaround you could install directly from this tarball: https://github.com/jscheid/prettier.el/suites/2922863809/artifacts/65601677

You'd need to unzip it (not untar it) and then use M-x package-install-file

@jscheid Sorry, can you provide an updated link? I am having the same issue but this link leads to a 404 page. Thanks.

jscheid commented 2 years ago

Ah weird, the link works for me... anyway, attaching it here: prettier.tar.zip

GitHub won't let me attach it unzipped so you'll still have to do that.

earthlyreason commented 2 years ago

I ran into this as well, seemingly out of nowhere. Prettier was doing bizarre things, like putting random space all over certain files.

The end of prettier-info's output looked like this

  (file-missing "Opening input file" "No such file or directory" "/Users/GCannizzaro/.emacs.d/elpa/prettier-20210606.1150/prettier-el.js.gz.base64"))

There appeared to be a discrepancy between the package directory contents and the code's expectations. The contents of the directory were

    -rw-r--r--  1526 07-19 14:35 bootstrap.js
    -rw-r--r--  1643 07-19 14:35 externs.js
    -rw-r--r--  2620 07-19 14:35 prettier-autoloads.el
    -rw-r--r-- 18808 07-19 14:35 prettier-el.js
    -rw-r--r--   447 07-19 14:35 prettier-pkg.el
    -rw-r--r-- 51429 07-19 14:45 prettier.el
    -rw-r--r-- 47852 07-19 14:35 prettier.elc

but the code was looking for files called prettier-el.js.gz.base64 and bootstrap-min.js.

What has gotten me unblocked is changing to MELPA stable:

(add-to-list 'package-archives
             '("melpa-stable" . "https://stable.melpa.org/packages/") t)
jscheid commented 2 years ago

Yeah this is quite unfortunate... every day a few dozen people are installing this package, they will all get this error now. I'm not sure what I can do about it, except hope that the MELPA maintainers will take a look soon...

jscheid commented 2 years ago

This is fixed now.