jschlatow / taskopen

Tool for taking notes and open urls with taskwarrior
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Can't figure out how get default notes working with version 2 #159

Closed sdondley closed 1 year ago

sdondley commented 1 year ago

I used version 1 of this software and it worked fine. I'm upgrading to version 2 but I'm having problems getting things to work. I'm not sure if the README is still accurate or if I have something misconfigured. Either way, I'm having a hard time following exactly how to get this configured so it works.

My first problem is trying to get default notes working with the instructions at https://github.com/jschlatow/taskopen#add-default-notes

When I do task 1 annotate Notes all it does it add a text annotation called "Notes. When I try taskopen 1, it says `No actions applicable." I'm not sure what this means or how to resolve it. Here's the diagnostic output:

> $ taskopen diagnostics
  Platform:       Mac OSX
  Taskopen:       v2.0.0beta-7-gb006dce
  Taskwarrior:    2.6.2
  Configuration:  /Users/steve/.taskopenrc
Current configuration
  Binaries and paths:
    taskbin            = task
    taskargs           =
    editor             = nvim
    path_ext           = /usr/local/share/taskopen/scripts
    debug              = false
    no_annotation_hook = addnote
    task_attributes    = priority,project,tags,description
  Action groups:
    default            = normal
      .target          = annotations
      .regex           = ^[\.\/~]+.*\.(.*)
      .labelregex      = .*
      .command         = open $FILE
      .modes           = batch,any,normal
      .target          = annotations
      .regex           = ^Notes\.(.*)
      .labelregex      = .*
      .command         = editnote ~/notes/tasknotes/$UUID.$LAST_MATCH "$TASK_DE
                         SCRIPTION" $UUID
      .modes           = batch,any,normal
      .target          = annotations
      .regex           = ((?:www|http).*)
      .labelregex      = .*
      .command         = open $LAST_MATCH
      .modes           = batch,any,normal

The path to editnote appears to be fine, it returns: Usage: /Users/steve/bin/editnote <file-path> <description> <uuid>


jschlatow commented 1 year ago

@sdondley Thanks for opening this issue. It seems I made a mistake in the default config. Can you please change the following lines in your .taskopenrc file:

notes.regex = "^Notes\\.(.*)"
notes.command = "editnote ~/Notes/tasknotes/$UUID.$LAST_MATCH \"$TASK_DESCRIPTION\" $UUID"


notes.regex = "^Notes(\\..*)?"                                                                                                                                 
notes.command = "editnote ~/Notes/tasknotes/$UUID$LAST_MATCH \"$TASK_DESCRIPTION\" $UUID"
sdondley commented 1 year ago

Changing the notes.regex value to your suggestion didn't actually work but this did:

notes.command="editnote ~/notes/tasknotes/$UUID$LAST_MATCH \"$TASK_DESCRIPTION\" $UUID"

Thanks for the hand.

sdondley commented 1 year ago

OK, I've been playing around with this a bit more to get a feel for how this might work. I would like the default notes to be recognized as a vimwiki/taskwiki file. So I add the following line to my vimwiki config:

{path = '~/Documents/notes/tasknotes', auto_toc = 1, syntax = 'markdown', ext = '.md', name = 'tasknotes'},

Now, I need the notes to be markdown files with an markdown extension of *.md to be recognized. So from the command line I do:

task 123 annotate Notes.md

To get this to work, I need the following config settings:

notes.command="editnote ~/Documents/notes/tasknotes/$UUID.$LAST_MATCH \"$TASK_DESCRIPTION\" $UUID"

So now when I do:

taskopen 123

It opens the file up as a markdown file with a filetype set to vimwiki.

Is this how it's intended to be used?

jschlatow commented 1 year ago

Yes, that is the intended use.

With the modified regex that I posted above, it should be possible to omit the extension though. At least it does so on my Linux machine.

sdondley commented 1 year ago

Is that regex used by bash or Nim?

I'm using zsh so maybe that's part of the problem?

sdondley commented 1 year ago

Changing the regex to notes.regex="^Notes\\.?(.*)?" seems to work well. Note the question mark after the first period, making the period optional.

jschlatow commented 1 year ago

It's used by Nim. Maybe there is a difference in the PCRE library on Mac.

sdondley commented 1 year ago

I just tried your initial suggestion for the regex again and it worked this time. I must have had a typo in my first attempt.

At any rate, I'm going to default to using .md files. Is there any good reason that I might not want to?

jschlatow commented 1 year ago

I just tried your initial suggestion for the regex again and it worked this time. I must have had a typo in my first attempt.

Perfect. Thanks for re-testing.

At any rate, I'm going to default to using .md files. Is there any good reason that I might not want to?

I cannot think of any ;-)