jschr / textillate

A jquery plugin for CSS3 text animations.
MIT License
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::before attribute not working? #100

Closed FlatlineTV closed 7 years ago

FlatlineTV commented 7 years ago

I'd like to incorporate a social media icons before every li element:

li id="twitter" data-in-effect="fadeIn" data-out-effect="fadeOut" li id="facebook" data-in-effect="fadeIn" data-out-effect="fadeOut" li id="youtube" data-in-effect="fadeIn" data-out-effect="fadeOut"

I'm using:

li#twitter::before {content: url(../assets/social/facebook.svg);} li#facebook::before {content: url(../assets/social/facebook.svg);} li#youtube::before {content: url(../assets/social/youtube.svg);}

But it seems like this plugin is overriding any extra elements? Very confused...

jschr commented 7 years ago

Hm.. can't think of a reason why this plugin would do anything to break pseudo-elements. Do you have a reproducible of the issue?

FlatlineTV commented 7 years ago

Thank you for quickly replying! Would love to figure this out ASAP.

Perhaps it's something on my end?

View my code if you can!

jschr commented 7 years ago

Do you have a screenshot of what the page looks like before and after applying textillate?

Still guessing but what textillate does is parse the contents of the <li> and wrap each letter in a <span>. Maybe it has something to do with the new html structure after applying textillate? You could try targeting the first span with something like #twitter span:first-child::before { ... }.

If you have a demo I can play around with I could probably help a little more.

FlatlineTV commented 7 years ago

Thank you so much for helping me out my man! DL: Social-Widget-Flatline.zip

jschr commented 7 years ago

Ya it definitely has to do with the html being altered but it's worse than I thought. Textillate hides the ul and creates a new element underneath it and renders the spans in there (which is what animates). That's why you don't see the icon - the parent ul is display none.

I'm not sure the best way to workaround it yet. Whats your desired behaviour? Do you want the icon to animate as the first character in the text? Or do you want it to replace icon in every loop?

FlatlineTV commented 7 years ago

Oh man! How unfortunate - still a beautiful plugin nonetheless. :)

I would simply love the appropriate social-media icon representing the appropriate ID name.

I wonder if including a div on the same line as the text would suffice, but not as efficient. :(

jschr commented 7 years ago

If you grab the new version of this plugin, this should work:

<h1 class="tlt">
  <ul class="texts">
    <li data-id="twitter" data-in-effect="fadeIn" data-out-effect="fadeOut">Twitter Name</li>
    <li data-id="facebook" data-in-effect="fadeIn" data-out-effect="fadeOut">Facebook Name</li>
    <li data-id="youtube" data-in-effect="fadeIn" data-out-effect="fadeOut">YouTube Name</li>
.tlt[data-active=twitter]::before {content: url(../assets/social/twitter.svg);}
.tlt[data-active=facebook]::before {content: url(../assets/social/facebook.svg);}
.tlt[data-active=youtube]::before {content: url(../assets/social/youtube.svg);}
FlatlineTV commented 7 years ago

Absolutely incredible! I appreciate the fix so much.

Thank you! <3

11-08-16 07-18-33pm

jschr commented 7 years ago

No problem! Feel free to post back with a link when the site's ready. Would love to start showing off some real world examples.

FlatlineTV commented 7 years ago

One last thing!

What type of time is minDisplayTime set to? ms?

I am trying to sync an animation with it (the icons fading in & out).

Thank you.

jschr commented 7 years ago

ya, minDisplayTime is in ms. It's passed directly to setTimeout: https://github.com/jschr/textillate/blob/master/jquery.textillate.js#L226