jschuur / coworking.party

Virtual coworking communities to keep people motivated and have a little fun.
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Include prerequisites are needed, flesh out instructions a little more #99

Open DR-DinoMight opened 1 month ago

DR-DinoMight commented 1 month ago

It'd be good to know what prerequisites are needed, better it'd be nice to have a nvmrc file as well so that we can all be on the same version.

I've also needed that we need dotenv installed globally, but I feel it'd be better to have this as a dev dependency.

As I go through the install steps I'll update this issue with bits I find trying to do a fresh install.

DR-DinoMight commented 1 month ago

If we are required to change the partykit.json should this not be kept in .gitignore ? I feel this could quite easily be overwritten with a stray commit.

Also it seems running drizzle studio on a new install we are presented with Screenshot 2024-05-10 215344

and when installing the latest version, and when running we are presented with the error:

[dev:db:studio 21:53:23.601]  Invalid input  Please specify 'dialect' param in config, either of 'pg', 'mysql' or 'sqlite'
[dev:db:studio 21:53:23.616]  ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 1.
[dev:db:studio 21:53:23.638]  ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 1.
[dev:db:studio 21:53:23.656] pnpm run dev:db:studio exited with code 1

Adding the dialect: "sqlite", into the config works, but not sure if it is being updated as often as it looks, if it makes sense to preface this?

That's it for now 😅 hopefully not too much more

jschuur commented 1 month ago

Great finds, @DR-DinoMight, thanks! I've added these changes in fde4426fe862bde60d77415a26aa65b301c93669.

I'd also like to start using proper Drizzle migrations soon, based on the recent CLI support. Feels like I've truncated some production tables on deploy a few times recently.

I'll keep this issue open for a bit, in case you find anything else.