jschuur / decent-nextjs-starter-template

An okay template to start a new Next.js project with shadcn/ui, Drizzle/Turso, Auth.js and SST (Ion) already set up.
7 stars 1 forks source link

$config is not defined #1

Open mmmoli opened 3 weeks ago

mmmoli commented 3 weeks ago

EXCITED to try this. A lot of great tools you've assembled together here.

Any specific setup instructions?

When I run bun run dev I get an error:

Error: $config is not defined

I get that:

Wondered if you had any thoughts?

jschuur commented 3 weeks ago

Oh hi.

It's still super early and I haven't put much work into this just yet. Or added setup instructions.

Great point about checking that it works with other run times.

$config looks like an SST thing. You can run the dev-nosst script instead.

But... maybe take another look in a few weeks :)

mmmoli commented 3 weeks ago

Will do. Droppin' a star now.

jschuur commented 3 weeks ago

Will do. Droppin' a star now.


I just added a few setup steps to the README real quick: https://github.com/jschuur/decent-nextjs-starter-template?tab=readme-ov-file#usage