jscinoz / optimus-vfio-docs

Optimus (Non-MXM/Muxless/"3D Controller") passthrough testing notes
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Bsod on windows 7 (with seabios) #6

Open nordmagnus999 opened 4 years ago

nordmagnus999 commented 4 years ago

So, its been a couple of weeks (roughly 3.5 weeks) that i got into the rabbit hole that is vfio/gpu passthrough... As such i didn't yet made it work however, i'm making what you might call "progress" (very slowly) as i'm trying different things out to see what would happen etc. But i was curious about the significance of a certain bsod i keep having on the following configuration:

nordmagnus999 commented 4 years ago

As additional info, it only happen when i reboot, just after the nvidia driver was installed (only tried with 425.31 driver so far) without installing any other drivers beside that. The rom of the gpu was extracted using the method listed here which was already mentioned by another user on another issues on this repo, i believe. (And yes, it does seems to output the right info once parsed through rom-parser or any similar tools.) Qemu version is 3.1.0 btw. The gpu does indeed get bind to vfio module (from looking at lspci output at least).