jsconfcn / ShenJS

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List of potential international speakers #18

Closed fraserxu closed 9 years ago

fraserxu commented 9 years ago


hunvreus commented 9 years ago

Have we contacted any of these?

fraserxu commented 9 years ago

Not yet.

xeodou commented 9 years ago

I have contact node_xmpp_ftw author @lloydwatkin He said he like to give a talk if he has some time, he is in Africa right now. When does CFP close , by the way ?

fraserxu commented 9 years ago

@xeodou We haven't set the closing date yet(as we haven't really start to contact international speaker yet).

Yes we should start this as soon as possible. Hope this list will help to make some progress here.

xeodou commented 9 years ago

That's cool. Let's do this.

popomore commented 9 years ago

npm @othiym23

thefoxis commented 9 years ago

Um. Have you thought about reaching out to any women? Raquel has a pretty impressive list of women doing Node. I have quite a few recommendations myself.

quentinberder commented 9 years ago

@thefoxis yes we did contact some women speakers. Thanks a lot for both lists, we will get in touch and see if any are interested to join us.

xeodou commented 9 years ago

@thefoxis Thanks for your suggestion,Yes we have think about it and we are start to touch some women developer in China, And we also welcome some foreigner women speakers. By the way @thefoxis would you like to submit a topic if you have some js stuff want share.

thefoxis commented 9 years ago

@quentinberder @xeodou—happy to make more specific recommendations if you want to have particular topics covered :smiley_cat:

btw. if you're thinking abour WebRTC you should definitely talk to @fippo and @henrikjoreteg.

@xeodou—I was thinking about submitting, yes. Lately I've been doing more community related talks though—like this one closing CSSConf.eu or opening ForwardJS. I really enjoy that + it resonates very well with audiences, especially with communities outside of US. Also all the JSConf family events historically have been the best venues for these types of talks.

However I've done technical talks at JSConf.eu and other events as well, but they were more high-level, architecture and approach ones. I do some JS/Node, but my main occupation is still front-end :v: Not sure if that's what you're looking for as well?

lloydwatkin commented 9 years ago

100x @fippo for webrtc :)

thefoxis commented 9 years ago

re: this conversation, @geelen gave an awesome talk at Front Trends last week on JSPM and Adam Morse is just the smartest.

xeodou commented 9 years ago

@thefoxis We are trying to bring the best programer around the world to the JavaScript Conference. All topics about the JavaScript is welcome, it doesn't matter either front-end or back-end.

quentinberder commented 9 years ago

The speaker list was decided by the community and posted on the site http://2015.jsconf.cn/ . Closing.