jsconfcn / ShenJS

The repository for the upcoming ShenJS
352 stars 44 forks source link

Table of Slides(19/20+x) #30

Open tiye opened 9 years ago

tiye commented 9 years ago

根据 CNode, F2E, 还有 repo 里的合并:

Related: https://github.com/jsconfcn/ShenJS/issues/28

7/11 上午

Database Everywhere: a Reactive Data Architecture for JavaScript Frontends, 尤雨溪 http://www.slides.com/evanyou/shenjs Unlimited Power – ES6 Generators, Brian Holt https://speakerdeck.com/btholt/unlimited-power-es6-generators koa 和 toa 的框架原理及开发实践, 严清 http://www.zensh.org/slides/2015toakoa/index.html 用 Angular.js做实时应用的一次实践, 李博涵 http://shenjs.meteor.com/


PM2 and Keymetrics.io, Alexandre Strzelewicz Nodebot session introduction, Andrew Fisher http://droidsjs.ajf.io/#/ 如何构建配置集中管理且自动调度的应用集群, 文天乐 https://github.com/jsconfcn/ShenJS/blob/gh-pages/slides/构建配置集中管理⾃自动调度应⽤用集群.pdf The Rise and Fall of JS Frameworks, Eyal Arubas 前端技术在数据可视化领域的无限畅想, 沈毅 http://pissang.github.io/slides/topics/jsconf2015_2/?tip#0~-1 NERD DISCO: The Next Generation, Tim Pietrusky http://slides.com/timpietrusky/nerd-disco-the-next-generation-jsconfchina-2015#/

7/12 上午

七牛前端测试实践, 马逸清 https://github.com/jsconfcn/ShenJS/blob/gh-pages/slides/七牛前端测试实践_马逸清.pdf 调优利器:node profiler, 朴灵 https://github.com/JacksonTian/shenjs p2p pipes, Mathias Buus 微服务架构下的服务通讯, 雷宗民 http://vdisk.weibo.com/s/dYTu95rJuhJ-/1436684536 前端服务化之路, 赫门 https://github.com/jsconfcn/ShenJS/blob/gh-pages/slides/前端服务化之路.pdf


JavaScript: The World's Best Programming language, Hax http://johnhax.net/2015/js-the-best/#0 fibjs原理以及在孢子社区的实践, 庄恒飞 http://slides.ngot.me/pdfs/ShenJS_fibjs.pdf Persistent data structure in JS land: implementing immutable frontend using react.js, 倪跃 https://github.com/jsconfcn/ShenJS/blob/gh-pages/slides/persistent-data-structure-js--ƒfl‘æ.key 使用 React 构建在线 IDE 的应用实践, 刘辉 https://github.com/jsconfcn/ShenJS/blob/gh-pages/slides/React构建WebIDE的应用实践-刘辉.pptx Diving in - WebGL and WebVR, Martin Naumann http://avgp.github.io/shenjs-3d/ Maintainable Node.js, 死马 http://deadhorse.me/maintainable-nodejs/

Lightning Talk

Lightning Talk at JSConf 2015 by Dafeng https://speakerdeck.com/dfguo/lightning-talk-at-jsconf-2015

fraserxu commented 9 years ago


CoxHong commented 9 years ago


alsotang commented 9 years ago

已在 https://cnodejs.org/topic/55a25700419f1e8a23a64372 中提及

zhou-yg commented 9 years ago


ajfisher commented 9 years ago

My slides are now up here: http://droidsjs.ajf.io/

ferry1227 commented 9 years ago

Thanks for Sharing!

jirengu commented 9 years ago


FrankFang commented 9 years ago

赫门的 Slides http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dDdIK73

fengmk2 commented 9 years ago

ping @dead-horse Maintainable Node.js

jiguang commented 9 years ago


dead-horse commented 9 years ago


ferry1227 commented 9 years ago

@jiyinyiyong 你好~ 下面这个打不开呢,console报错了。 然后我进http://johnhax.net 里面找到这个文档依然打不开。 JavaScript: The World's Best Programming language, Hax http://johnhax.net/2015/js-the-best/#0

fengmk2 commented 9 years ago


正如 @dead-horse 说的,如何才能写出好的代码呢?唯有实践。

tiye commented 9 years ago

@MozzieH 报错只能求助作者了~ @hax 不过我这边是不报错的... Chrome Stable, OS X

anonymelon commented 9 years ago

yolio2003 commented 9 years ago

求一个yun.baidu.com 之类的打包下载

shanelau commented 9 years ago


MurphyL commented 9 years ago


hax commented 9 years ago

@ferry9 报错大概是因为我用了比较新的api,latest的chrome是可以的。你在用哪个浏览器?我周末抽空改进下兼容性。

l-ll commented 9 years ago


highsea commented 9 years ago


ferry1227 commented 9 years ago

@hax Chrome -Version 40.0.2214.94 (64-bit)

hax commented 9 years ago

@ferry9 正好需要42以上 :sob:

ferry1227 commented 9 years ago

@hax :smile: 期待~

yessirpopesama commented 8 years ago


jeremy-ww commented 8 years ago


quoniammm commented 8 years ago
