jscraftcamp / website

Website of the JSCraftCamp in Munich
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waitlist for kerstin_dengl #2064

Closed MoppetX closed 3 weeks ago

MoppetX commented 4 weeks ago

waitlist :)

I would like to register for JS CraftCamp.

Are you from a sponsoring company?

no :(

netlify[bot] commented 4 weeks ago

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netlify[bot] commented 4 weeks ago

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Narigo commented 4 weeks ago

Hi @MoppetX , thank you for your interest in joining the JSCC24! Unfortunately we have to put you on the waiting list for now. πŸ™ As soon as we're able to pull some people from the waiting list, we're only accepting fully working registration PRs (tests running through). As far as I can tell, you need to rename the file name to include the .json extension.

Narigo commented 4 weeks ago

One more question: Friday only attendance was on purpose?

MoppetX commented 3 weeks ago

Hello Joern, thanks for the info! I fixed the issue with the file extension.

One more question: Friday only attendance was on purpose?

yes, unfortunately... If I came on Saturday, I would have to leave after lunch at the latest... so I felt it would be fairer to only register for Friday.

Would it be possible to show up on Friday and just wait and see whether a slot opens up? no hard feelings if nothing comes of this :)

Narigo commented 3 weeks ago

Welcome to the JSCC24 @MoppetX ! You are registered for Friday! πŸ₯³

Looking forward to seeing you there! As a lover of bad jokes, I look forward to receiving a refreshing supply with which I can later delight my fellow human beings. 😏