jscs-dev / node-jscs

:arrow_heading_up: JavaScript Code Style checker (unmaintained)
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maximumLineLength should optionally allow string literals to break the rule #2282

Closed pixelpax closed 8 years ago

pixelpax commented 8 years ago

Sometimes one puts a huge data string into a JavaScript file. I'm working with a legacy code base and while I'd like to enforce concise lines of code, I would also like to passthrough massive existing string literals.

markelog commented 8 years ago

See https://medium.com/@markelog/jscs-end-of-the-line-bc9bf0b3fdb2 and http://eslint.org/blog/2016/04/welcoming-jscs-to-eslint

We are not adding new features at this time

pixelpax commented 8 years ago

I see. On the readme.md it says that you have merged with ESLint, but I interpreted this to mean that ESLint had merged into you. Perhaps a note on the readme and on the front page of http://jscs.info/ that this repo is deprecated would help others to redirect themselves appropriately.