jsdelivr / globalping

A global network of probes to run network tests like ping, traceroute and DNS resolve
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Multi IP handling #527

Open MartinKolarik opened 4 days ago

MartinKolarik commented 4 days ago

A side effect of #447 is that probes are now able to switch between multiple IP addresses based on network conditions. This may interfere with our adoption logic in two ways:

The existing UUIDs are not enough to solve this as they don't survive restarts. Several ideas for solving this:

We could also reduce the amount of switching by a node setting or entirely disable it and force IPv4 when supported but not sure if that's a good idea.

jimaek commented 4 days ago

have the probe report all of its IPs and identify them by "at least one IP matches" comparison - requires some dash and API changes but solves the problem and might be useful in general,

This is the best option for me. Simple and nice UX

MartinKolarik commented 4 days ago

Simple, not really. It's definitely the hardest of those options, but also the only one that covers all cases, so I'm leaning towards it as well. We might even combine it, as adding persistence to the UUIDs is a nice and easy improvement on top.

alexey-yarmosh commented 4 days ago

E.g. probe supports both IPv4 and IPv6. Yesterday it had IPv4 IP and was used for measurementA. Today it has IPv6 IP and was used for measurementB.

Now we are running two new measurements based on pervious: measurementA' and measurementB'. Ideally we want both new measurements refer to the probe. But since repeated measurements are filtering by IP, IPv4 result will be offline.

To fix this, storing of both IPs of the probe is required. So looks like it need to be implemented anyway.

MartinKolarik commented 4 days ago

Indeed, repeating measurements is also affected by this, but it's the same problem of probe "identity", the UUIDs could be used here as well.

alexey-yarmosh commented 4 days ago

UUIDs refer to device, for example laptop, which I may bring to office and back home every day and change the network. I think in repeating measurement we want to compare networks, which are identified by IPs.

MartinKolarik commented 4 days ago

That's an interesting thought because for the user, it's going to be the same probe in that case, but I agree for measurements, it makes sense to consider them as different.