jsdrupal / drupal-admin-ui

This is an admin UI for Drupal, built with JavaScript & React. ⬅️✌️➡️
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Come up with an agenda/attendee list for JS sprint at Front End United #105

Closed webchick closed 6 years ago

webchick commented 6 years ago

Based on discussions w/ core committers, it seems like it would be very advantageous to get everyone on the same page about what this initiative is attempting to do, plans on how/when exactly to get the work into core, how to handle major points of collaboration, work through some architectural questions, etc.

Front End United is coming up the weekend of Thursday, May 31 - Saturday, June 2, and has sprinting space available the weekdays prior (Monday, May 28 - Wednesday, May 30). Several key initiative folks are already planning to be there, along with committers such as Dries and Alex Pott.

So let's figure out:

  1. What's the agenda for such a sprint?
  2. Who's coming and when can they be there? (and/or participate remotely)

Here's a stab. I'm sure it needs lots of work.


Sprint runs Tuesday, May 29 until Friday, May 1. Location is at the co-working code sprints at Front End United in Utrecht, Netherlands: https://www.frontendunited.org/program/coworking-code-sprints Address: In de Ruimte Oudegracht-Tolsteegzijde 230, 3511 NT Utrecht

Cost is €11.95 / day; tickets available at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/frontend-united-utrecht-tickets-40107668115 Apparently we are getting access to the space for free! :O Thanks, FEU! :D


(This seems like a VERY lofty list, so we probably want to prioritize it and focus on doing only a few of these things well.)


If you're planning to attend (remotely or in-person), please fill out your availability at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1b73QHyqRKzbiL_sdAflnBCGLbLOghhdTq4VjnyQq7_0/edit?ts=5a9f9ba3#gid=0 under the "Drupal JavaScript Initiative / Admin UI" heading (~row 125).


Do I need to buy a ticket for the conference?

webchick @dawehner I looked into that, and no. However, you do need to buy daily tickets to the co-working space. Sec.


justafish commented 6 years ago


regarding $someone from React/Gutenberg - rendering a thing in React is, ironically, the absolute least of our challenges 😂People doing day-in-day-out client work with CMSes would be more valuable imo

ol0lll commented 6 years ago

I would like to join.

Name Role Dates
Volker Killesreiter Developer for the thunder core team (thunder_admin theme maintainer) May 28 afternoon-June 2
justafish commented 6 years ago

Could everyone please add their availability to these spreadsheet? We're under "Drupal JavaScript Initiative / Admin UI" https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1b73QHyqRKzbiL_sdAflnBCGLbLOghhdTq4VjnyQq7_0/edit?ts=5a9f9ba3#gid=0


justafish commented 6 years ago

FYI attendees: Frontend United will be making the sprint free and tickets for the co-working space won't be required 🎉

BarisW commented 6 years ago

Also, we planned a social event every night of the week, with limited availability. Please book your spot ASAP: https://www.frontendunited.org/social-track

webchick commented 6 years ago

Wow, that's SO awesome! Thank you, Frontend United! :D

On Monday's call we got clarity around the dates of the sprint, the attendees of the sprint, and their general availability, which is a huge step (updated the summary with that info).

One thing we don't yet have clarity around though is an "agenda" of what we're hoping to accomplish. This is helpful not only for having alignment going into things, but also for people who want to participate remotely to know where they can jump in.

Right now, the proposed agenda is kind of a grab-bag of various things we "could" talk about, from broader roadmap/milestone/alignment stuff, to really digging into the proposed admin UI redesign and how to map that to this initiative, to gnarly architectural things. I would really like to cull that list down, ideally to maybe 3 main things (which would be one for each day + a day for overflow/parking lot), with a shared "deliverable" goal at the end. For example, a more detailed roadmap mapped against proposed milestones + dates that's signed off on by those in attendance, or a working prototype of the react admin UI handling translations + views and using the new UI style, or so on. And let everything we talk about fall under that.

Because otherwise, one of the big concerns I have is that all of those things are important, and all of them are really fucking hard. Meaning I could easily see that we spend a full day and a half of our 4 days talking about just the Views issue, while Cristina with her new admin UI designs twiddles her thumbs in the corner, or whatever.

We have a core committer meeting on Thursday morning (Pacific) which would be an ideal place to share such a proposed agenda, to get outside feedback that the issues we're planning to work on sound like the right ones. That timeline would also give us the opportunity to get a quick announcement out about the sprint, including what days we're planning on talking about what, so that remote folks could make time to attend.

So. Thoughts?

dawehner commented 6 years ago

+1 on an agenda. It certainly helps to not go off the rails and do something completely different, even we might not be able to go through all the points.

dawehner commented 6 years ago

One thing which might be worth making clear. As long there are mockups/designs we can continue building. As we go we can add extension points, but I think talking about some of those fundamental questions in parallel is an important step.

webchick commented 6 years ago

Feedback from the core committers:

dawehner commented 6 years ago

I totally understand the need to be able to plan ahead. For me the scope, especially in the full context of Drupal, is just too massive: Hey here build this awesome new skyscraper, but our architect just started and has like 10 other projects to work on first. Can you give us the cost? :)

An alternative to help estimating projects and actually getting things done is to make the scope smaller. There could be various ways:

Is this some answer to your question?

As far as I understand the point the committers try to make is: Have a plan to stay in focus?

@webchick Would there be a way to potentially get rid of having a proxy for every conversations of this kind? I do understand the need sometimes, but it feels like it is the default. Don't we have the weekly meethings for exactly this?

Primary goal: Update the roadmap to reflect the current state of the initiative, including priorities/milestones (e.g. this by 8.6, this by 8.7). Didn't we wrote https://www.drupal.org/project/drupal/issues/2926656 not too long ago?

ckrina commented 6 years ago

@dawehner we're working with the idea of the content authors as the main ones, but we can go deeper into that in a meeting or in the sprints.

What would be useful for us to be decided at FU: For the “Eight” theme:

For Design:

For UX study:

yoroy commented 6 years ago

Maybe the items in the agenda were not sorted yet? That first "Agreement on scope/timeline for initiative w/ Dries + other committers", I would think is the intended outcome of the multiple discussions we need to have.

Edit: nevermind, I see we're still hashing things out.

yoroy commented 6 years ago

Similar to what @dawehner says above: it may well be in our advantage to deliberately choose to work inside a well-defined silo instead of a "boiling the ocean" approach.

One analogy I've been thinking of: when "mobile apps" started happening, Adobe didn't try and port the whole of Photoshop into a single iOS/Android app. Instead they identified specific slices of usecases and built apps around that. See the many mini-photoshops on https://www.adobe.com/creativecloud/catalog/mobile.html

Not saying that this would be a desirable end state for Drupal, but it will likely give us clearer path(s) forward towards actual useful results if we start out with choosing smaller boxes to work in.