If you have common dev dependencies, it’s better to specify them in the workspace root package.json. For instance, this can be dependencies like Jest, Husky, Storybook, Eslint, Prettier, etc.
Related to this project here is what I see as a conceptual flaw.
The first rule of yarn club is don't talk about yarn club.
The second rule of yarn club is don't put dependencies in the root work-space.
Indeed if you actually want to override and put dependencies in, then you must do something like
yarn add --ignore-workspace-root-check eslint
From this article .. here is the BUT
Related to this project here is what I see as a conceptual flaw.
in the root package .. this command
"eslint": "eslint packages/*/src --ext .js,.jsx,.ts,.tsx --max-warnings=0 --fix",
packages/*/src is expanded by the shell script into this list of packages/sub-directories.
admin-ui components extension-points utilities
So formally the linting of files in utilities only works accidentally because of it's sister package admin-ui that contains the eslint dependency.
I intend to come up with a pull request that moves Jest, prettier, storybook and all the eslint packages up into the root.