jseerden / IntuneEmailSignatureManagement

Lightweight tool deployed with Microsoft Intune to manage e-mail signatures for Outlook
MIT License
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We will retire AAD Graph API any time after June 30th #4

Open SYSMANTEAM opened 1 year ago

SYSMANTEAM commented 1 year ago


Would be good if this could be created using the Microsoft Graph functions as the current Connect-AzureAD will be expiring end of June 2023 and this will render this script useless..

I have been using this script for some time now, and it works great and would be a shame to lose it due to this..

I am also looking at trying to migrate this to use the latest and greatest technology.

DirkBaltissen commented 1 year ago

You must first create an App registration in Entra, after which you can set the signature again with the script below

Create App Registration:

Adjust the variables of the 'App registration' Two values in the script have been changed:

  1. Mobile = MobilePhone
  2. TelephoneNumber = BusinessPhones

The modified script:

# Win32 app runs PowerShell in 32-bit by default. AzureAD module requires PowerShell in 64-bit, so we are going to trigger a rerun in 64-bit.
if ($env:PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432 -eq "AMD64") {
    try {
        & "$env:WINDIR\SysNative\WindowsPowershell\v1.0\PowerShell.exe" -File $PSCommandPath
    catch {
        throw "Failed to start $PSCommandPath"

Start-Transcript -Path "$($env:TEMP)\IntuneSignatureManagerForOutlook-log.txt" -Force

# Install NuGet Package Provider
Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Scope CurrentUser -Force

# Install Microsoft Graph Users module to retrieve the user information
Install-Module -Name Microsoft.Graph.Users -Scope CurrentUser -Force

# Variables App registration
$clientId = "<Application (client) ID>"
$clientSecret = "<Application Secret Value>"
$tenantId = "<Directory (tenant) ID>"
$scope = "https://graph.microsoft.com/.default"

# Acquiring access token
$tokenEndpoint = "https://login.microsoftonline.com/$tenantId/oauth2/v2.0/token"
$tokenRequestBody = @{
    "client_id"     = $clientId
    "client_secret" = $clientSecret
    "scope"         = $scope
    "grant_type"    = "client_credentials"
$tokenResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $tokenEndpoint -Method POST -Body $tokenRequestBody
$accessToken = $tokenResponse.access_token

# Convert access token to SecureString
$SecureString = ConvertTo-SecureString -String "$accessToken" -AsPlainText -Force

# Connect to Microsoft Graph
Connect-MgGraph -AccessToken $SecureString

# Get the user information
$userPrincipalName = whoami -upn
$userObject = Get-MgUser -Filter "userPrincipalName eq '$userPrincipalName'" -Select "displayName,givenName,surname,mail,mobilePhone,businessPhones,jobTitle,department,city,streetAddress,postalCode,country"

# Create signatures folder if not exists
if (-not (Test-Path "$($env:APPDATA)\Microsoft\Signatures")) {
    $null = New-Item -Path "$($env:APPDATA)\Microsoft\Signatures" -ItemType Directory

# Get all signature files
$signatureFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path "$PSScriptRoot\Signatures"

foreach ($signatureFile in $signatureFiles) {
    if ($signatureFile.Name -like "*.htm" -or $signatureFile.Name -like "*.rtf" -or $signatureFile.Name -like "*.txt") {
        # Get file content with placeholder values
        $signatureFileContent = Get-Content -Path $signatureFile.FullName

        # Replace placeholder values
        $signatureFileContent = $signatureFileContent -replace "%DisplayName%", $userObject.DisplayName
        $signatureFileContent = $signatureFileContent -replace "%GivenName%", $userObject.GivenName
        $signatureFileContent = $signatureFileContent -replace "%Surname%", $userObject.Surname
        $signatureFileContent = $signatureFileContent -replace "%Mail%", $userObject.Mail
        $signatureFileContent = $signatureFileContent -replace "%Mobile%", $userObject.MobilePhone
        $signatureFileContent = $signatureFileContent -replace "%TelephoneNumber%", $userObject.BusinessPhones
        $signatureFileContent = $signatureFileContent -replace "%JobTitle%", $userObject.JobTitle
        $signatureFileContent = $signatureFileContent -replace "%Department%", $userObject.Department
        $signatureFileContent = $signatureFileContent -replace "%City%", $userObject.City
        $signatureFileContent = $signatureFileContent -replace "%Country%", $userObject.Country
        $signatureFileContent = $signatureFileContent -replace "%StreetAddress%", $userObject.StreetAddress
        $signatureFileContent = $signatureFileContent -replace "%PostalCode%", $userObject.PostalCode
        $signatureFileContent = $signatureFileContent -replace "%Country%", $userObject.Country
        $signatureFileContent = $signatureFileContent -replace "%State%", $userObject.State
        $signatureFileContent = $signatureFileContent -replace "%PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName%", $userObject.PhysicalDeliveryOfficeName

        # Set file content with actual values in $env:APPDATA\Microsoft\Signatures
        Set-Content -Path "$($env:APPDATA)\Microsoft\Signatures\$($signatureFile.Name)" -Value $signatureFileContent -Force
    } elseif ($signatureFile.getType().Name -eq 'DirectoryInfo') {
        Copy-Item -Path $signatureFile.FullName -Destination "$($env:APPDATA)\Microsoft\Signatures\$($signatureFile.Name)" -Recurse -Force

akiraasano7 commented 1 year ago

Hi Dirk,

I've tried deploying the Win32App via intune using the install command, however looks like the install command doesn't install the package on the device.


DirkBaltissen commented 1 year ago

When you run the install-script in e.g. Powershell ISE, do you see an error, if so which one?

Does the log file show a message? C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Temp\IntuneSignatureManagerForOutlook-log.txt

I updated the script one more time, since the access token needs to be converted to a secure string for authentication to Microsoft Graph.

akiraasano7 commented 1 year ago

Had a couple errors before hand

  1. Placed the wrong Client Secret ID - Fixed
  2. Updated the new script based on your changes
  3. Cannot locate the Signature - Looks like it requires to be on t IntuneSignatureManagerForOutlook-log.txt [IntuneSignatureManagerForOutlook-log_UPDATED.txt](https://github.com/jseerden/IntuneEmailSignatureManagement/files/12330527/IntuneSignatureManagerForOutlook-log_UPDATED.txt) he Desktop\Signatures

After changing and correcting the errors, the txt file looks like this (attached file). However, It doesn't show in the Outlook client app

DirkBaltissen commented 1 year ago

The signature files are written to the following location: %AppData%\Microsoft\Signatures. It is possible that the created signature is not visible in Outlook due to recent office roaming adjustments. To make the signatures visible again, you can set a registery key on all machines, which one you can read below:


You can choose to disable ALL roaming settings, you do this by activating the following ADMX in Intune: Disable roaming settings in Outlook

If you only want to set it for the signature, you can add the registery key as in the link above. For this I have made a remediation script that you can use if you want.

Note: Because the key must be added in the HKCU, the script must be started under user context


## Variables
$Office = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\OUTLOOK.EXE"
$Path = "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Setup\"
$Name = "DisableRoamingSignaturesTemporaryToggle"
$Type = "DWORD"
$Value = "1"

## Check whether Office (Outlook) is installed
if(test-path -Path "$Office")
    ## Check whether the key is there and whether the value is correct
    Try {
    $Registry = Get-ItemProperty -Path $Path -Name $Name -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $Name
    If ($Registry -eq $Value)
        Write-Output "Key found, value correct!"
        Exit 0
        Write-Output "Key found, value incorrect!"
        Exit 1
        Write-Output "Key not found"
        Exit 1
    Write-Output "Office not installed"
    exit 0


## Variables
$Path = "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Office\16.0\Outlook\Setup\"
$Name = "DisableRoamingSignaturesTemporaryToggle"
$Type = "DWORD"
$Value = "1"

## Create and set key
New-ItemProperty -Path $Path -Name $Name -Type $Type -Value $Value

## Check if key has been created
$Registry = Get-ItemProperty -Path $Path -Name $Name -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -ExpandProperty $Name
If ($Registry -eq $Value)
        Write-Output "Key set!"
        Exit 0