Version 1.2. This is the source code to STUNTMAN - an open source STUN server and client code by john selbie. Compliant with the latest RFCs including 5389, 5769, and 5780. Also includes backwards compatibility for RFC 3489. Compiles on Linux, MacOS, BSD, Solaris, and Win32 with Cygwin. Windows binaries avaialble from
This was more difficult than I thought, though the work is nearly the exact same.
Created the NodeStun_Args file so that the main file would be a little bit cleaner
NodeStun_Args::ThreeArgs is in its own function but still available
NodeStun_Args::OneArgs is a very simple function but I figured I'd still implement it
Parsing the Configuration Object in a smillar manner to main::BuildServerConfigurationFromArgs and building a ServerConfig Structure within NodeStun_Args::Object2Config
A recursive test (took about 5 minutes). It ends at the first error. I'm testing every combination including if the setting exists but the value is void and is the setting doesn't exist at all.
I'm currently printing all the time within c++. This is can be solved by implementing the logger. However, I haven't taken the time to implement it yet.
This was more difficult than I thought, though the work is nearly the exact same.