jsergio123 / script.module.resolveurl

Fork of the UrlResolver from tknorris
GNU General Public License v2.0
111 stars 97 forks source link

DoodStream #533

Closed dracosc22679 closed 3 years ago

dracosc22679 commented 3 years ago

DoodStream resolver is not working for some days now. Getting HTTP Error 403: Forbidden error. I also can't open with python the https://dood.so/e/xxxxxxxxx page, unless i use cfscrape (CloudScraper) and adding 'upgrade-insecure-requests': '1' and 'Cookie': 'cf_clearance=; __cfduid=;' in headers. Please take a look

Gujal00 commented 3 years ago

It would be regional restriction I presume. There is no issue resolving dood for me. dood.la, doodstream.com and dood.so all work ResolveURL never had cloudflare bypass functionality and does not include cloudscraper as it is a neverending battle. Have no intentions of including it

TheGridRepo commented 3 years ago

it dood.watch the same , or is there no resolver for this https://dood.watch/d/xxxxxxxxxx

Gujal00 commented 3 years ago

@TheGridRepo It is already supported by the resolver domains = ['dood.watch', 'doodstream.com', 'dood.to', 'dood.so', 'dood.cx', 'dood.la', 'dood.ws']

TheGridRepo commented 3 years ago

yes just notice its supported yes my need fix doesn't seem to be playing.

Gujal00 commented 3 years ago

@TheGridRepo the link you posted plays fine as long as it doesnt trigger cloudflare captcha in your region. It doesnt use cloudflare captcha everywhere. Check in your browser if you are seeing cloudflare captcha for that. Remember to clear cookies before testing in browser

2021-11-05 11:17:19.889 T:664      INFO <general>: SMR Link Tester: Link Resolved: |