jsfaint / gen_tags.vim

Async plugin for vim and neovim to ease the use of ctags/gtags
MIT License
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Can I redir search result to quickfix list #49

Closed fcying closed 6 years ago

fcying commented 6 years ago

Sometimes only need to show related content, no need to jump

jsfaint commented 6 years ago

Yes, it's vim built-in feature. You can enable it by add this snippet in your vimrc.

set cscopequickfix=s+,c+,d+,i+,t+,e+,a+

But the default mapping will not works, you need to type the cscope command, like

:copen | cs find s <cword>

I'm not sure if there any solution to fix it, I'll look into it when I have some spare time.

fcying commented 6 years ago

it work fine, thanks~~

    set cscopequickfix=s+,c+,d+,i+,t+,e+,a+
    noremap  <leader>gt :cs find t <C-R>=expand('<cword>')<CR><CR>:copen<CR>
    noremap  <leader>gs :cs find s <C-R>=expand('<cword>')<CR><CR>:copen<CR>
    noremap  <leader>gi :cs find i <C-R>=expand('<cfile>')<CR><CR>:copen<CR>
    noremap  <leader>gg :cs find g <C-R>=expand('<cword>')<CR><CR>:copen<CR>
    noremap  <leader>gf :cs find f <C-R>=expand('<cfile>')<CR><CR>:copen<CR>
    noremap  <leader>ge :cs find e <C-R>=expand('<cword>')<CR><CR>:copen<CR>
    noremap  <leader>gd :cs find d <C-R>=expand('<cword>')<CR><CR>:copen<CR>
    noremap  <leader>gc :cs find c <C-R>=expand('<cword>')<CR><CR>:copen<CR>
jsfaint commented 6 years ago

I just realized that I set let g:gen_tags#gtags_default_map = 0 in vimrc 😢

fcying commented 6 years ago

Still a little problem, when I use quickfix, it will automatically jump to the first search result, can be set to not jump?

fcying commented 6 years ago

I wrote a specified string to the top of quickfix list, so it can't jump now, but it will display the string in the top of quickfix...I don't know if there is any better way.

  set cscopequickfix=s+,c+,d+,i+,t+,e+,a+
  function! s:gen_tags_find(cmd, keyword) abort
    let l:cmd = 'cs find ' . a:cmd . ' ' . a:keyword                                                                                                                                        
    exec 'cexpr l:cmd'
    call setqflist([], 'a')
    exec l:cmd

  noremap  <leader>cc :call <SID>gen_tags_find('c', "<C-R><C-W>")<CR>
  noremap  <leader>cd :call <SID>gen_tags_find('d', "<C-R><C-W>")<CR>
  noremap  <leader>ce :call <SID>gen_tags_find('e', "<C-R><C-W>")<CR>
  noremap  <leader>cf :call <SID>gen_tags_find('f', "<C-R><C-F>")<CR>
  noremap  <leader>cg :call <SID>gen_tags_find('g', "<C-R><C-W>")<CR>
  noremap  <leader>ci :call <SID>gen_tags_find('i', "<C-R><C-F>")<CR>
  noremap  <leader>cs :call <SID>gen_tags_find('s', "<C-R><C-W>")<CR>
  noremap  <leader>ct :call <SID>gen_tags_find('t', "<C-R><C-W>")<CR>
jsfaint commented 6 years ago

I saw a solution in here https://github.com/ronakg/quickr-cscope.vim/blob/master/plugin/quickr-cscope.vim#L103

But it looks a bit tricky

fcying commented 6 years ago

This way will not display additional data, but if the jumped buf is existed, bdelete it will effect buffer manager

  function! s:gen_tags_find(cmd, keyword) abort
    let l:cur_buf=@% 
    let l:cur_line=line('.')                                                                                                                                                                
    let l:cur_col=col('.')
    let l:cmd = 'cs find ' . a:cmd . ' ' . a:keyword
    exec l:cmd
    if l:cur_buf !=# @%
      call cursor(l:cur_line, l:cur_col)
hanxi commented 5 years ago
if v:version >= 800
    set cscopequickfix=s+,c+,d+,i+,t+,e+,g+,f+,a+
    set cscopequickfix=s+,c+,d+,i+,t+,e+,g+,f+

function! s:gen_tags_find(cmd, keyword) abort
    " Mark this position
    execute "normal! mY"
    " Close any open quickfix windows
    " Clear existing quickfix list
    cal setqflist([])

    let l:cur_buf=@%
    let l:cmd = 'cs find ' . a:cmd . ' ' . a:keyword
    silent! keepjumps execute l:cmd

    if len(getqflist()) > 1
        " If the buffer that cscope jumped to is not same as current file, close the buffer
        if l:cur_buf != @%
            " Go back to where the command was issued
            execute "normal! `Y"
            " delete previous buffer.
            bdelete #

noremap <leader>c :call <SID>gen_tags_find('c', "<C-R><C-W>")<CR>
noremap <leader>f :call <SID>gen_tags_find('f', "<C-R><C-F>")<CR>
noremap <leader>g :call <SID>gen_tags_find('g', "<C-R><C-W>")<CR>
noremap <leader>i :call <SID>gen_tags_find('i', "<C-R><C-F>")<CR>
noremap <leader>s :call <SID>gen_tags_find('s', "<C-R><C-W>")<CR>