jsfest / 2014-oakland-cfp

Call for proposals for all speakers and events at JSFest Oakland.
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Why did we choose Hapi? #129

Open chapel opened 9 years ago

chapel commented 9 years ago

As some of you may know I work at WalmartLabs (the incubator of Hapi thanks to @hueniverse and team). What many don't know is that I don't work with @hueniverse and the choice to use Hapi was made by solely by our team based on the features and support Hapi had at the time, and has proven to only get better since then.

I would like to talk about what we were using before Hapi as well as how we decided on choosing Hapi over sticking with Express or using something like Restify. Finishing up with how it has performed for us over the last year and a half.